Jeg vandt med min første indbetalingsbonus
Hvis der ikke er sket ændringer siden tilbudslinket, er det, hvad det var.
Den anvendte model var Crash Game.
Betingelserne for brug siger ikke, at det er forbudt, og jeg har bekræftet med live support, at det er okay at spille spillet.
Jeg tror, at kun $2.000 blev trukket tilbage.
Har du kontaktet kundesupport for at finde ud af, hvorfor dine gevinster var begrænsede? Hvad var deres svar?
Vi har spurgt, men de har nægtet at oplyse og bliver konfiskeret uden grund.
Derudover var deres KYC urimelig.
Jeg kan ikke logge ind mere, så jeg husker ikke detaljerne, men jeg tror, at KYC-godkendelse ikke kunne gennemføres hurtigt på siden på det tidspunkt.
Når de har indsendt en anmodning om tilbagetrækning, vil de blive underrettet via e-mail og vil gennemgå KYC-bekræftelsesprocessen (videobekræftelse med specifikke instruktioner) inden for cirka 48 timer.
De sendte en yderst urimelig besked ud, hvori de sagde, at hvis jeg ikke gennemførte
Jeg tjekkede tilfældigvis min e-mail, så jeg var i stand til at svare, men dette var en pludselig handling uden nogen advarsel.
Godkendelsesprocessen på denne side er skandaløs, og selvom de siger, at du kan hæve penge efter at have gennemført godkendelsesprocessen, annullerer de tilbagetrækningen midtvejs, og mere end halvdelen af pengene bliver konfiskeret.
Du kan være sikker på, at sidens ekstremt høje rating er en fejl.
På det tidspunkt var det ikke opført på denne side, og jeg havde planer om at kontakte licensindehaveren, når jeg havde tid, men nu hvor jeg kan se, at det er blevet opført for nylig, vil jeg gerne bede CasinoGuru om at foretage en upartisk undersøgelse.
Jeg havde tjent nogle store gevinster på denne søsterside, så jeg formoder, at denne også kan være blevet konfiskeret.
Jeg har stadig nogle e-mails og andre oplysninger, så jeg ville sætte pris på, hvis du kunne foretage en retfærdig undersøgelse.
I won with my first deposit bonus
If there have been no changes since the offer link, this is what it was.
The model used was Crash Game.
The terms of use do not state that it is prohibited, and I have confirmed with live support that it is okay to play the game.
I think only $2,000 was successfully withdrawn.
Have you contacted customer support to find out why your winnings were limited? What was their response?
We have inquired, but they have refused to disclose and are being confiscated without reason.
In addition, their KYC was unreasonable.
I can't log in anymore, so I don't remember the details, but I think KYC authentication couldn't be completed quickly on the site at that time.
After they submit a withdrawal request, they will be notified by email and will go through the KYC verification process (video verification with specific instructions) within about 48 hours.
They sent out an extremely unreasonable notice saying that if I did not complete the
I happened to check my email so I was able to respond, but this was a sudden action without any warning.
The authentication process on this site is outrageous, and although they say you can withdraw money after completing the authentication process, they cancel the withdrawal midway and more than half of the money is confiscated.
You can be sure that the site's extremely high rating is a mistake.
At the time, it was not listed on this site, and I was planning to contact the license holder when I had time, but now that I see it has been listed recently, I would like to ask CasinoGuru to conduct an impartial investigation.
I had made some large winnings on this sister site, so I suspect that this may have also been confiscated.
I still have some emails and other information, so I would appreciate it if you could conduct a fair investigation.
・賞金が制限された理由についてカスタマー サポートに問い合わせましたか? 回答はどうでしたか?
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