Team Casino Guru,
Jeg havde indbetalt et beløb på INR 1850 til Grand Mondial casino den 11. november 2023. Men pengene blev trukket fra min bankkonto, men min casinokonto blev ikke tilføjet noget beløb.
Da jeg spurgte online agenter fra Grand Mondial casino, sagde de, at jeg skulle vente til 48 timer.
Men nu siger de, at transaktionen var mislykket. Men det var en vellykket betaling, og jeg vedhæfter skærmbilledet af den vellykkede betaling, tjek venligst. Enhver UPI-betaling, der lykkes, vil ikke blive tilbageført til bankkontoen. Men Grand Mondial casino siger, at den vil blive tilbageført.
Venligst løs mit problem
Med venlig hilsen
Irappa *****
Mit kontonummer H***** hos Grand Mondial casino

Løs venligst
Team Casino Guru,
I had deposited an amount of INR 1850 to Grand Mondial casino on 11th if November,2023. But, the money was debited from my bank account but my casino account wasn't added any amount.
When I enquired with online agents of Grand Mondial casino they said I need to wait until 48hours .
But, now they are saying that the transaction was unsuccessful. But, it was a successful payment and I am attaching the screenshot of the successful payment please check. Any UPI payment which is successful will not be reversed back to the bank account.But, Grand Mondial casino says it will be reversed back.
Please resolve my issue
Irappa *****
My account number H***** with Grand Mondial casino

Please resolve
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