Okay, så jeg gennemgik hele sagen, og vi diskuterede den internt. Desværre konkluderede vi, at vi ikke er i stand til at hjælpe dig med refusionerne. Selvom vi mener, at kasinoerne altid skal gøre deres bedste for at beskytte spillere og forhindre dem i at oprette nye konti, hvis de tidligere var selvudelukket, skal vi også tage hensyn til betingelserne, hvorunder yderligere konti blev oprettet.
I dette tilfælde har du givet forkerte oplysninger, som vi mener hjalp dig med at omgå systemet og oprette en anden konto. Dine konti blev også lukket i rimelig tid efter, at du kontaktede casinoet. Desværre besluttede vi under disse omstændigheder ikke at gå videre med denne klage.
Desuden vil jeg gerne henlede din opmærksomhed på vores Self-Exclusion Assistance Tool https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative/assistance-tool Dette værktøj vil gøre det nemmere for dig at blokere dine kasinokonti på tværs af flere spillevirksomheder samtidigt og er ikke tilknyttet noget specifikt kasino. Self-Exclusion Assistance Tool er designet til at hjælpe personer, der kan stå over for udfordringer med deres spillevaner, ved at hjælpe dem med at begrænse deres adgang til spil og reducere risikoen for yderligere skade.
Frem for alt, hvis gambling ikke længere giver dig glæde og bliver en byrde, er det stærkt tilrådeligt at søge professionel hjælp. Jeg anbefaler på det kraftigste, at du kontakter centre i dit land, der er specialiserede i at løse spilproblemer. Du kan finde nogle af disse centre ved at henvise til følgende link ( https://casino.guru/problem-gambling-help-centers#cnt_87=true )
Denne klage vil nu blive lukket. Tak for din forståelse, jeg beklager, at vi ikke kunne være til mere hjælp ved denne lejlighed. Tøv ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du støder på problemer med dette eller ethvert andet casino i fremtiden.
Alright, so I reviewed the whole case and we discussed it internally. Unfortunately, we concluded that we aren't able to assist you with the refunds. While we believe that the casinos should always do their best to protect players and prevent them from creating new accounts if the previous ones were self-excluded, we also must take into consideration the conditions in which additional accounts were created.
In this case, you provided incorrect information which we believe helped you bypass the system and create another account. Also, your accounts were closed in a reasonable time after you contacted the casino. Unfortunately, under these circumstances, we decided not to proceed further with this complaint.
Furthermore, I would like to call your attention to our Self-Exclusion Assistance Tool https://casino.guru/global-self-exclusion-initiative/assistance-tool This tool will make it easier for you to block your casino accounts across multiple gambling establishments simultaneously and is not affiliated with any specific casino. The Self-Exclusion Assistance Tool was designed to assist individuals who may be facing challenges with their gambling habits by helping them limit their access to gambling and reduce the potential for further harm.
Above all, if gambling no longer brings you joy and is becoming a burden, it is highly advisable to seek professional assistance. I strongly recommend reaching out to centers in your country that specialize in addressing gambling problems. You can find some of these centers by referring to the following link (https://casino.guru/problem-gambling-help-centers#cnt_87=true)
This complaint will now be closed. Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future.
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