Tak for din e-mail sammen med beviserne, Jackpot Hunter Support Team.
Kære raj23rau12shan,
Jeg forstår din frustration over hele situationen, og jeg kan give dig ret i, at casino-teamet kunne have afklaret situationen for længe siden, men som nævnt ovenfor har ny ledelse overtaget casinoet og gennemgår tidligere sager for nylig.
Jeg blev forsynet med beviser for, at den sidste spilaktivitet på din konto var den 7. august 2023, hvor dit sidste væddemål på Tome of Madness-spillet resulterede i et tab, hvilket efterlod din saldo på nul. Der var ingen yderligere aktivitet på din konto overhovedet før lukningen af din konto, hvilket var den 5. oktober 2023. Al tidligere gameplay frem til den 7. august 2023, hvor din kontosaldo nåede nul, virkede normal og på linje med standardaktivitet . Jeg kan ikke rigtig kommentere på din udtalelse om, at det ikke var dig, der spillede, men i betragtning af at du skulle være den eneste med adgang til din konto, og det er dit ansvar at beskytte dine login-oplysninger fra en 3. parts adgang, antages det, at alle handlinger på din konto blev udført af dig.
Din kontosaldo blev opbrugt gennem dit spil, og desværre er der ingen penge, som casinoet kan refundere til dig.
Jeg forstår, at dette måske ikke er det resultat, du håbede på, men vi har ikke fundet nogen fejl fra kasinoets side.
Efter at have indsamlet alle de nødvendige oplysninger er vi desværre tvunget til at afvise denne klage. Beklager, at vi ikke kunne hjælpe dig med dette, men tøv ikke med at kontakte os i fremtiden, hvis du støder på problemer med dette eller et andet casino, og vi vil gøre vores bedste for at hjælpe.
Med venlig hilsen,
Casino Guru
Thank you for your email along with the evidence, Jackpot Hunter Support Team.
Dear raj23rau12shan,
I understand your frustration with the whole situation, and I can agree with you that the casino team could have clarified the situation a long time ago, but as was mentioned above, new management has taken over the casino and is reviewing past cases just recently.
I was provided with evidence that the last gameplay activity on your account was on the 7th of August 2023 where your last bet on the Tome of Madness game resulted in a loss, leaving your balance at zero. There was no further activity in your account whatsoever until the closure of your account, which was on the 5th of October 2023. All previous gameplay leading up to the 7th of August 2023 where your account balance reached zero seemed normal and in line with standard activity. I can't really comment on your statement that it was not you who played, but given that you should be the only one with access to your account and it's your responsibility to safeguard your login details from a 3rd party access, it is assumed that all actions on your account were conducted by you.
Your account balance was depleted through your gameplay, and unfortunately, there are no funds the casino can refund to you.
I understand this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, but we haven't found any wrongdoing on the part of the casino.
Unfortunately, after gathering all the necessary information we are forced to reject this complaint. Sorry we were not able to help you with this one, but please, do not hesitate to contact us in the future, if you run into any issues with this or any other casino and we will try our best to help.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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