Kære Casino.Guru,
Jeg indsatte $1000 den 24/02/2025 ved at spille Starlight Princess på k9winkhr.com og vandt $8500 med en bonus. Jeg forsøgte at trække mig tilbage; pludselig bad de mig om at bekræfte KYC.
Jeg har sendt alle de dokument-id'er, de har brug for den 26/02/2025; derefter suspenderede de min konto og forhindrede mig i at logge ind. Jeg spurgte agenten hvorfor, og de sagde til mig: "Du kan ikke logge ind nu; vent venligst på, at nogen fra kasinoet kontakter dig for at bekræfte KYC."
Efter 2 timer kontaktede en agent mig for at stille nogle spørgsmål.
Jeg besvarede det hele og videochattede endda for at bekræfte nogle flere spørgsmål fra kasinoet.
4-5 timer efter videochatten fortalte hun mig: "Hej skat, nu kan du logge ind og hæve pengene, hvis du kan eller ej. Lad mig det vide, jeg vil tjekke for dig." Jeg var så glad og kom lige ind på hjemmesiden for at logge ind. Og gæt hvad?
Min konto er stadig suspenderet. Jeg vendte tilbage for at chatte og spurgte hende hvorfor, og hun bad mig prøve igen mange gange. Efter 2 timers forsøg på at logge ind er min konto stadig suspenderet.
Hun bad mig vente i morgen, fordi den bruger en opdatering på min konto.
(Da de først suspenderede min konto, tog det kun 10 minutter, og nu når de genaktiverer min konto, tager det 1 dag?? Hvordan giver det mening?!)
Efter den dag kan jeg stadig ikke logge ind...
Jeg prøvede at sende en besked til hende igen; hun "så" det og svarer ikke på min søgen efter hjælp.
Det er som om de troller mig nu eller noget.
Hjælp mig venligst, Casino Guru; Jeg har virkelig brug for din retfærdighed.
Dear Casino.Guru,
I deposited $1000 on 24/02/2025 playing Starlight Princess on k9winkhr.com and won $8500 with a bonus. I tried to withdraw; suddenly they asked me to verify KYC.
I've sent all the document IDs they need on 26/02/2025; after that, they suspended my account and prevented me from logging in. I asked the agent why, and they told me, "You cannot log in now; please wait for someone from the casino to contact you to confirm the KYC."
After 2 hours, an agent contacted me to ask some questions.
I answered all of it and even video chatted to confirm some more questions from the casino.
4-5 hours after the video chat, she told me, "Hi dear, now you can log in and withdraw the money if you can or not. Please let me know; I will check for you." I was so happy and got right into the website to log in. And guess what?
My account is still suspended. I returned to chat and asked her why, and she told me to try again many times. After 2 hours of trying to log in, my account is still suspended.
She told me to wait tomorrow because it uses an update on my account.
(When they first suspended my account, it only took 10 minutes, and now when they reactivate my account, it takes 1 day?? How does that make sense?!)
After that day, I still cannot log in...
I tried to message her again; she "saw" it and is not answering my seeking for help.
It's like they're trolling me now or something.
Please help me, Casino Guru; I really need your justice.
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