KatsCasino: uærligt Casino
Jeg er en loyal og ærlig spiller, der nyder at spille online casinospil. Jeg registrerede mig hos Kats Casino, et websted, der hævder at være licenseret og fair, og foretog en indbetaling uden problemer. Men tingene ændrede sig, da jeg vandt nogle penge og anmodede om en hævning.
Kasinoet bad mig om at fremlægge forskellige dokumenter for at bekræfte min identitet og adresse, hvilket jeg gjorde uden tøven. Men de blev ved med at bede om flere dokumenter eller hævdede, at de, jeg sendte, ikke var klare. Jeg var endelig i stand til at opfylde al den krævede dokumentation for færdiggørelsen af KYC-processen. Men de sagde også, at min adresse på mine dokumenter ikke stemte overens med den på min konto. De nægtede at ændre det, selvom jeg viste dem et legitimt bevis på adresseændring.
De fortalte mig, at de ikke ville behandle min hævning eller ændre min adresse, medmindre jeg nulstillede saldoen på min konto, hvilket jeg fandt meget mistænkeligt og uretfærdigt. Jeg forsøgte at kontakte dem flere gange og bad dem forklare, hvorfor de ikke overholder deres egne regler og politikker, men de ignorerede mig enten eller gav mig vage og modstridende svar.
Jeg følte mig snydt og frustreret af kasinoet, da de har overtrådt deres egne vilkår og betingelser, hvilket gør det muligt for spillere at opdatere deres profiloplysninger til enhver tid, hvilket ikke involverer at skulle nulstille en brugersaldo, men snarere for at gennemføre en transaktion eller tilbagetrækning. Alligevel er intet blevet løst, og min strid med kasinoet er i gang. Jeg er ikke blevet kompenseret for mine gevinster, og min adresse på min Kats Casino-profil er heller ikke blevet ændret til min nuværende adresse. Derfor besluttede jeg at indgive en klage til Casino Guru, en velrenommeret online casino-mægler.
Jeg vil gerne dele min historie med andre spillere, så de kan være opmærksomme på Kats Casinos uretfærdige og lyssky praksis og undgå at spille der. Jeg vil også advare andre casinoer, der behandler deres spillere uretfærdigt, at de ikke slipper af sted med det, og at de vil få konsekvenser for deres handlinger.
KatsCasino: dishonest Casino
I am a loyal and honest player who enjoys playing online casino games. I registered with Kats Casino, a website that claims to be licensed and fair, and made a deposit without any issues. However, things changed when I won some money and requested a withdrawal.
The casino asked me to provide various documents to verify my identity and address, which I did without any hesitation. However, they kept asking for more documents, or claimed that the ones I sent were not clear. I was finally able to satisfy all the required documentation for the completion of the KYC process. However, they also said my address on my documents did not match the one on my account. They refused to change it, even though I showed them legit proof of address change.
They told me that they would not process my withdrawal or change my address unless I zeroed out the balance in my account, which I found very suspicious and unfair. I tried to contact them several times, and asked them to explain why they are not honoring their own rules and policies, but they either ignored me or gave me vague and contradictory answers.
I felt cheated and frustrated by the casino, as they have violated their own terms and conditions, which allows players to promptly update their profile information at any time which doesn’t involve having to zero out a users balance but rather for completing a transaction or withdrawal. Yet, nothing has been resolved and my dispute with the casino is ongoing. I haven’t been compensated for my winnings nor has my address on my Kats Casino profile been changed to my current address. That is why I decided to file a complaint with Casino Guru, a reputable online casino mediator.
I want to share my story with other players, so that they can be aware of the unfair and shady practices of Kats Casino, and avoid playing there. I also want to warn other casinos that treat their players unfairly, that they will not get away with it, and that they will face consequences for their actions.
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