Jeg oprettede en konto den 12. februar og gennemførte min id-bekræftelse.
Jeg var i stand til at indbetale og hæve frit, indtil jeg havde en gevinst på lidt over £3k. Da jeg gik for at hæve mine gevinster, sagde kasinoet pludselig, at der var flere checks, men det foreskrev ikke, hvad disse var.
Jeg har kontaktet casinoet via deres kontaktformular adskillige gange, har vedhæftet en kopi af mit kontoudtog og mit kort - endnu mere end de har bedt om, men de reagerer fuldstændigt ikke, vil ikke fortælle mig, hvad problemet er, vil ikke svare på mine e-mails og har blokeret mig fra at hæve mine lovligt vundne gevinster, som nu er lige over £5.000.
I created an account on 12th February and completed my ID verification checks.
I was able to deposit and withdraw freely until I had a win of just over £3k. When I went to withdraw my winnings, the casino suddenly said there were more checks but did not stipulate what these were.
I have contacted the casino via their contact form numerous times, have attached a copy of my bank statement and card - even more than they have requested but they are completely non responsive, will not tell me what the issue is, will not respond to my emails and have blocked me from withdrawing my legally won winnings, which now total just in excess of £5,000.
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