Kære CasinoGuru!
Vi vil gerne påpege, at LionSpin Casino er meget opmærksomme på KYC (Know Your Customer) politik og krav til forebyggelse af hvidvask af penge. Vi indser omfanget af vores ansvar og handler med begge parters sikkerhed for øje.
Som en konsekvens heraf i overensstemmelse med vores vilkår og betingelser paragraf 5.1. - Kend din kunde er den procedure, hvorefter vi forbeholder os retten til at anmode om yderligere dokumenter, som omfatter, men ikke begrænset til: pas eller ID; Adressebevis (pasadresseside, forbrugsregning, bank- eller betalingsinstitutudtog), selfie med pas eller ID; eller andre dokumenter efter LionSpin Compliance-afdelingens skøn.
Der blev anmodet om et yderligere dokument fra spilleren for at fuldføre yderligere verifikation, hvorefter udbetalingsprocessen vil være tilgængelig for spilleren. Desværre, trods modtagelse af flere dokumenter fra spilleren, opfylder det indsendte dokument stadig ikke kriterierne som beskrevet før.
Desuden blev spilleren efter hver gennemgang af det nye dokument informeret af vores team om, hvad der præcist ikke blev opfyldt ved at levere dokumentet.
Baseret på ovenstående fakta, for at fortsætte den yderligere verifikationsproces, beder vi spilleren om at levere det korrekte dokument, som vil blive tjekket med tiden.
Med venlig hilsen,
LionSpin Casino Team
Dear CasinoGuru!
We would like to point out that LionSpin Casino is very attentive to KYC (Know Your Customer) policy and money laundering prevention requirements. We realize the extent of our responsibility and act with the safety of both parties in mind.
As a consequence, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions clause 5.1. - Know Your Customer is the procedure according to which we reserve the right to request additional documents, which include, but not limited to: passport or ID; Proof of Address (Passport address page, Utility bill, Bank or Payment institution statement), selfie with passport or ID; or other documents upon LionSpin Compliance Department discretion.
An additional document was requested from the player to complete additional verification, after which the withdrawal process will be available to the player. Unfortunately, despite receiving several documents from the player, the submitted document still does not fulfill the criteria as described before.
Furthermore, after each review of the new document, the player was informed by our team about what exactly was not met in providing the document.
Based on the above facts, to continue the additional verification process, we kindly ask the player to provide the correct document, which will be checked in due course.
Kind regards,
LionSpin Casino Team
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