Kære kunde,
Vi vil gerne informere dig om, at vi har modtaget et ændret kontoudtog fra dig. Derfor blev det ikke accepteret til verifikation.
Vi råder dig venligst til at kontakte din bank og bede dem om at give kontoudtoget i PDF via e-mail, og send os venligst kontoudtoget i original som modtaget fra dem.
Du kan også downloade det officielle kontoudtog via deres hjemmeside og give os den originale PDF for at udføre din kontobekræftelse.
Vi forsikrer dig om, at dokumentet vil blive kontrolleret med prioritet, så snart vi modtager det.
Kære Natalia,
Vi har sendt dig beviset for det ændrede dokument på din e-mail.
Tak for dit samarbejde!
Bedste ønsker,
Dear Customer,
We would like to inform you that we received a modified bank statement from you. Hence, it was not accepted for verification.
We kindly advise you to contact your bank and ask them to provide the bank statement in PDF via email and please send us the bank statement in original as received from them.
You may also download the official bank statement through their website and provide us the original PDF in order to carry out your account verification.
We assure you that the document will be checked with priority as soon as we receive it.
Dear Natalia,
We have forwarded you the evidence of the modified document at your email.
Thank you for your co-operation!
Best wishes,
Automatisk oversættelse:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)