Så snart de ser, at du er på en sejrsrække, vil de piske en imaginær ond instans op og anklage dig for, at du "snyder" - som om du, spilleren, har nogen som helst kontrol over deres system hahaha, så de vil bekvemt og drastisk miste alle dine gevinster (inklusive hele din oprindelige indbetaling også) uden at vise noget bevis for det tilsyneladende snyd, som du har "begået". Hvis du kræver det, vil de bare sige "Den praktiserende læge (spiludbyderen) har fastslået, at du snyder". Viola! Øjeblikkelig fidus – du mistede alle dine penge på et øjeblik.
As soon as they see that you're on a winning streak, they will whip up an imaginary evil instance and accuse you that you're "cheating" - as if you, the player, has any control of their system hahaha, then they will conveniently and drastically forfeit all of your winnings (including all of your initial deposit too) without showing any proof of that apparent cheating that you have " committed". If you demand for it, they'll just say "The GP (Game Provider) has determined that you are cheating". Viola! Instant scam - you lost all your money in an instant.