Det hele var sjovt og spil, indtil jeg endelig havde held og vandt $13000 AUD og blev nægtet overførsel af mine gevinster til min bankkonto. Efter nogen kommunikation med Syndicate Casino Support og udlevering af identifikationsoplysninger, blev jeg nægtet overførsel af penge, og mine gevinster på $13000 AUD blev konfiskeret og min konto permanent blokeret 🚫
Mit råd er at undgå at bruge Syndicate Casino og finde et andet sted at spille for enhver pris og fortælle andre om også at gøre det samme.
It was all fun and games until I finally had some luck and won $13000 AUD and was refused transfer of my winnings to my bank account. After some communications with Syndicate Casino Support and providing identification information, was refused transfer of funds and my winnings of $13000 AUD was confiscated and my account permanently blocked 🚫
My advice is to avoid using Syndicate Casino and find another place to gamble at all cost tell others to do the same thing too.