Der er mange grunde til, at du bør holde dig væk fra denne side. Den første er, at de mangler slotskategorien, siden har forsinkelser, og deres slots fungerer ofte ikke. Hovedårsagen er dog, at de pludselig lukker din konto, når du forsøger at hæve penge. De giver dig ikke en forklaring, de fortæller blot kundesupport, at kontoen blev lukket på grund af overtrædelser af vilkår og betingelser. Jeg havde aldrig spillet på denne side før, det var min første konto, og jeg havde store forhåbninger om at få min udbetaling, men de udnytter det faktum, at de er casinoet og kan gøre, hvad de vil.
There are many reasons why you should stay away from this site. The first is that they lack the slots category, the site has delays and their slots often don't work. However, the main reason is that they suddenly close your account when you try to withdraw money. They don't give you an explanation, they just tell customer support that the account was closed due to violations in the terms and conditions. I had never played on this site before, it was my first account and I had high hopes of getting my withdrawal, but they take advantage of the fact that they are the casino and can do whatever they want.