Der var problemer med mit indskud, da det ikke gik igennem, og casinoet håndterede det rigtig godt, og til sidst blev indbetalingen returneret til min casinokonto, og jeg kunne spille. E-mails blev besvaret på mindre end en time, hvilket var virkelig hurtigt, selvom hjemmesiden siger inden for 24 timer. Tilbagetrækningen kom også hurtigt. Inden for en dag. Selv står der 3-5 dage. KYC – har ikke skullet igennem processen endnu, da gevinsterne ikke var store, så jeg kan ikke sige noget om det endnu.
Men ifølge denne erfaring vil jeg spille igen på det casino.
There were problems with my deposit when it didn't go through and the casino handled it really well and in the end the deposit was returned to my casino account and I was able to play. Emails were answered in less than an hour, which was really fast even though the website says within 24 hours. The withdrawal also arrived quickly. Within a day.Even it says 3-5 days. KYC - haven't had to go through the process yet when the winnings wasn't big, so I can't say anything about it yet.
But according to this experience, I will play again at that casino.