Jeg har sendt dem forskellige dokumenter fra banken, hvoraf det tredje sendte jeg for 3 dage siden, alle filerne har indeholdt mit navn, adresse og har ikke været for gamle. Oplysningerne i dokumenterne er de samme som i profilen. Jeg sendte dokumenterne i det rigtige format. De svarer på dokumentet: Kære Eeli,
Tak fordi du valgte Slotastic Casino.
Vi har modtaget din e-mail med de vedhæftede filer, tak. Desværre kunne det indsendte adressebevis ikke bekræftes. Vi anbefaler at sende et alternativt dokument.
Vi beder dig tage klare læselige digitale billeder af dokumentet og e-mail:
- Et adressebevis (forbrugsregning eller kontoudtog, der viser navn og adresse, der er registreret på kontoen), udstedt inden for de seneste 90 dage.
Sørg for, at hele dokumentet er synligt (ingen del må skæres af/beskæres). Bemærk venligst, at delvist beskåret/beskåret billeder ikke accepteres og vil medføre forsinkelser
I have sent them various documents from the bank, the third of which I sent 3 days ago, all the files have contained my name, address, and have not been too old. The information in the documents is the same as in the profile. I sent the documents in the correct format. They respond to the document: Dear Eeli,
Thank you for choosing Slotastic Casino.
We have received your email with the attachments, thank you. Unfortunately, the proof of address submitted could not be verified. We recommend sending an alternative document.
We ask that you take clear legible digital pictures of the document and email:
- A proof of address (utility bill or bank statement showing the name and address registered on the account), issued within the last 90 days.
Please ensure that the entire document is visible (no portion should be cut off/cropped). Please note that partially cut off/cropped photos will not be accepted and will result in delays
Olen lähettänyt heille pankin eri asiakirjoja joista kolmannen lähetin 3 päivä, kaikki tiedostot ovat sisältäneet nimeni, osoitteeni, eivätkä ole olleet liian vanhoja. Asiakirjojen tiedot ovat samat kuin profiilissa. Lähetin asiakirjat oikeassa muodossa. He vastaavat asiakirjaan: Dear Eeli,
Thank you for choosing Slotastic Casino.
We have received your email with the attachments, thank you. Unfortunately, the proof of address submitted could not be verified. We recommend sending an alternative document.
We ask that you take clear legible digital pictures of the document and email:
- A proof of address (utility bill or bank statement showing the name and address registered on the account), issued within the last 90 days.
Please ensure that the entire document is visible (no portion should be cut off/cropped). Please note that partially cut off/cropped photos, will not be accepted and will result in delays
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