Godmorgen Kristina,
Jeg har lige sendt dig anmodningen om selvudelukkelse fra den e-mailadresse, der er knyttet til casinokontoen.
Ja, jeg har stadig adgang til kontoen, og supporten hævdede, at de ikke fik nogen e-mail fra mig, og hvis det var tilfældet, ville de straks have lukket kontoen. Selvudelukkelsen blev sendt den 21. juli og tabet skete den 23. juli. Så jeg beder om fuld tilbagebetaling af de foretagne indskud og permanent opsigelse af min konto.
Tak for din opmærksomhed.
Med venlig hilsen,
Good morning Kristina,
I just forwarded you the self exclusion request from the email address linked to the casino account.
Yes I still have access to the account and the support claimed that they didn’t got any email from me and if it was the case they would have immediately closed the account. The Self exclusion was sent on 21th of July and the loss occured on 23rd of July. So I'm asking a full refund of the made deposits and permanent termination of my account.
Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
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