Hej, jeg spillede på Spinjo casino den 1.3.2025 og vandt €2.961,00. Siden da har jeg forsøgt at bekræfte min konto, men de låste min konto og har ikke svaret på mine e-mails i ugevis. Jeg vil gerne have lidt hjælp til situationen på casinoet, for det virker virkelig mærkeligt, hvorfor de låste min konto uden nogen ordentlig begrundelse lige efter, at jeg vandt. Kopierede den e-mail, de sendte mig efter sejren om at lukke min konto.
"Kære Anton,
Din konto blev lukket af administrationens beslutning. Beslutningen er desværre endelig, og din konto kan ikke genåbnes.
Bemærk venligst, at kontobekræftelse er påkrævet for at behandle din anmodning om udbetaling.
Vi vil gerne bede dig uploade følgende som svar på denne e-mail:
1) Bevis for betalingsmetode(r)
Bed dig venligst uploade et kontoudtog med bevis for din seneste indbetaling. Bevis for depositum skal afspejle:
-købmands navn
-afsenderens navn + IBAN er én erklæring.
2) Upload venligst en selfie med ID til fanen Bekræftelse. Selfien med ID'et skal tages på den måde, det er tydeligt, at din egen arm holder dit ID. Bemærk, at al information skal være tydeligt synlig. Din hånd, der holder disse dokumenter, bør også være synlig.
Venlig hilsen,
Spinjo Casino Support"
Hi, I played at Spinjo casino on 1.3.2025 and won €2,961.00. Since then I have tried to verify my account, but they locked my account and haven't responded to my emails for weeks. I would like some help with the situation at the casino, because it seems really strange why they locked my account without any proper justification right after I won. Copied the email they sent me after the win about closing my account.
"Dear Anton,
Your account was closed by the administration's decision. Unfortunately, the decision is final, and your account cannot be reopened.
Please note that account verification is required to process your withdrawal request.
We would like to ask you to upload the following in reply to this email:
1) Proof of payment method(s)
Kindly ask you to upload a bank statement with proof of your last deposit made. Proof of deposit must reflect:
-merchant's name
-sender's name + IBAN is one statement.
2) Please upload a selfie with ID into the Verification tab. The selfie with the ID must be taken the way it's obvious that your own arm is holding your ID. Note that all information must be clearly visible. Your hand holding these documents should also be visible.
Best regards,
Spinjo Casino Support"
Hei, pelasin Spinjo casinolla 1.3.2025 ja voitin 2 961,00 € suuruisen summan. Siitä lähtien olen koittanut hoitaa tilini vahvistusta, mutta he laittoivat tilini lukkoon ja eivät ole enää viikkoihin vastannut sähköposteihini. Tarvitsisin apua tilanteen kanssa kasinolla, koska tämä vaikuttaa todella oudolta miksi edes lukitsivat tilini ilman mitään kunnon perusteluita heti voittoni jälkeen. Kopioituna sähköposti minkä he lähettivät minulle voiton jälkeen tilini sulkemisesta.
"Dear Anton,
Your account was closed by the administration's decision. Unfortunately, the decision is final, and your account cannot be reopened.
Please, note that the account verification is required to process your withdrawal request.
We would like to ask you to upload the following in reply to this email:
1) Proof of payment method(s)
Kindly ask you to upload a bank statement with proof of your last deposit made. Proof of deposit must reflect:
-merchant's name
-sender's name + IBAN on one statement.
2) Please upload a selfie with ID into the Verification tab. The selfie with the ID must be taken the way it's obvious that your own arm is holding your ID. Note that all information must be clearly visible. Your hand holding these documents should also be visible.
Best regards,
Spinjo Casino Support"
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