Kære Ilovemycitt,
Mange tak for din indgivelse af denne klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om dit problem. Tillad mig at stille dig et par spørgsmål for at afklare situationen.
Har du modtaget nogen forklaring fra kasinoet på, hvorfor dine dokumenter blev afvist? Har du uploadet dine dokumenter til tiden og i det korrekte format? Har du sørget for, at alle fire hjørner af dit dokument er synlige, og at al information er let at læse?
Forstår jeg korrekt, at de dokumenter, der er blevet afvist af kasinoet, er dit bevis på adresse og pengekilde?
Hvornår har du sidst prøvet at uploade dine dokumenter til bekræftelse?
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. På forhånd tak for dit svar.
Med venlig hilsen
Dear Ilovemycitt,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to clarify the situation.
Have you received any explanation from the casino as to why your documents were rejected? Have you uploaded your documents on time and in the correct format? Have you made sure that all four corners of your document are visible and that all the information is easily readable?
Do I understand correctly that the documents that have been rejected by the casino are your proof of address and source of funds?
When was the last time you tried uploading your documents for verification?
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards
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