Jeg brugte min bonus den 3. marts 2024, og mine gevinster blev reduceret til €250. Jeg skrev derefter til support og spurgte, om jeg kunne fortsætte med at spille med disse penge og også hæve gevinsterne. Support sendte mig et svar. Jeg kan nu gøre hvad jeg vil med disse penge. Jeg anmodede om en hævning på €500 den 5. marts. Min konto er blevet bekræftet. I dag modtog jeg følgende e-mail: Kære Roswitha
Vi vil gerne informere dig om, at din udbetaling er blevet annulleret af betalingsafdelingen, og beløbet på €3.510,79 er blevet fjernet fra din saldo på grund af brud på følgende vilkår og betingelser:
58.3.3 Alle gratis spins, gratis væddemål, bonuschips er gyldige i en periode på 7 dage fra det tidspunkt, hvor de er krediteret spillerens konto. Efter perioden på 7 dage udløber det nævnte kampagnemateriale og kan ikke gøres krav gældende eller refunderes. Maks. gevinster fra Cashback / Loyalitetsbonus er begrænset til fem (5x) gange det oprindelige beløb af Cashback Bonus givet. Eventuelle gevinster over det vil blive fortabt. Maks. gevinster fra sæson/særlige kampagner (herunder, men ikke begrænset til, julebonusser, påskebonusser, Halloween-bonusser) for 200 % og over bonusgrænsen er begrænset til fire (4x) gange det oprindelige indskudsbeløb. Maks. gevinster for bonusser mellem 150 % - 199 % bonustærskel er begrænset til otte (8x) gange det oprindelige indskudsbeløb. Maks. gevinster for bonusser mellem 120% - 149% grænse, er begrænset til ti (10x) gange det oprindelige indskudsbeløb. Maks. gevinster for bonusser mellem 100% - 119% grænse, er begrænset til femten (15x) gange det oprindelige indskudsbeløb. Maks. gevinster for bonusser mellem 25% - 99% grænse, er begrænset til tyve (20x) gange det oprindelige indskudsbeløb. Eventuelle gevinster over disse grænser fortabes.
Bemærk endelig, at 250€ er tilgængelige på din konto.
Hvis du har spørgsmål eller ønsker yderligere afklaring vedrørende vores vilkår og politikker, så tøv ikke med at kontakte vores dedikerede supportteam.
Hvorfor og på hvilket bonusgrundlag er mine gevinster blevet annulleret? Jeg har ikke brugt andre bonusser!!! Jeg tjente denne fortjeneste med mine penge, og nu vil jeg have mine penge tilbage med det samme!!!
Jeg skrev så til casinoet og gav også dit eget svar fra den 3. marts. Nu fik jeg dette svar: Kære Roswitha
Tak fordi du kontakter os.
Vi forstår, at du kan blive skuffet over resultatet af beslutningen truffet af den relevante afdeling.
Vær venligst informeret om, at vores beslutning er endelig og blev truffet i overensstemmelse med vores vilkår og betingelser.
Vi vil gerne informere dig om, at vores vilkår og betingelser er godkendt og godkendt af licensregulatoren, med det formål at sikre, at alle spilaktiviteter udføres på en socialt ansvarlig måde.
Venlig hilsen
Jeg finder det hele meget tvivlsomt!!! Jeg håber på din støtte.
I used my bonus on March 3rd, 2024 and my winnings were reduced to €250. I then wrote to support and asked if I could continue playing with this money and also withdraw the winnings. Support sent me an answer. I can now do whatever I want with this money. I requested a withdrawal of €500 on March 5th. My account has been verified. Today I received the following email: Dear Roswitha
We would like to inform you that your withdrawal has been canceled by the payments department and the amount of €3,510.79 has been removed from your balance due to the breach of the following Terms & Conditions:
58.3.3 All free spins, free bets, bonus chips are valid for a period of 7 days from the time when they are credited to the players' account. After the period of 7 days the mentioned promotional materials expire and are not claimable or refundable. Max winnings from Cashback / Loyalty Bonus are limited to five (5x) times the initial amount of Cashback Bonus given. Any winnings above that will be forfeited. Max winnings from season/special promotions (including, but not limited to, Christmas Bonuses, Easter Bonuses, Halloween Bonuses) for 200% and above Bonus threshold, are limited to four (4x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 150% - 199% bonus threshold, are limited to eight (8x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 120% - 149% threshold, are limited to ten (10x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 100% - 119% threshold, are limited to fifteen (15x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 25% - 99% threshold, are limited to twenty (20x) times the initial deposit amount. Any winnings above that limits will be forfeited.
Lastly, kindly note that 250€ are available on your account.
If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our terms and policies, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team.
Why and on what bonus basis have my winnings been cancelled? I have not used any other bonuses!!! I made this profit with my money and now I want my money back immediately!!!
I then wrote to the casino and also provided your own answer from March 3rd. Now I got this answer:Dear Roswitha
Thank you for contacting us.
We understand that you may be disappointed with the outcome of the decision made by the relevant department.
Please be informed that our decision is final and was made in accordance with our terms and conditions.
We would like to inform you that our Terms and Conditions are approved and authorized by the licensing regulator, aiming to ensure that all gaming activities are carried out in a socially responsible manner.
Kind regards
The Customer Support Team
I find this all highly dubious!!! I hope for your support.
ich habe am 3.3.24 meinen Bonus umgesetzt und meine Gewinne wurden auf 250 € gekürzt. Danach habe ich den Support angeschrieben und gefragt ob ich jetzt mit diesem Geld weiterspielen darf und die Gewinne auch auszahlen kann. Darauf wurde mir vom Support eine Antwort geschickt . Ich könne jetzt mit diesem Geld alles tun was ich möchte. Ich habe am 5.3. eine Auszahlung von 500 € beantragt. Mein Konto ist verifiziert. Heute bekam ich folgende Mail: Dear Roswitha
We would like to inform you that your withdrawal has been cancelled by the payments department and the amount of 3,510.79€ has been removed from your balance due to the breach of the following Terms & Conditions:
58.3.3 All Freespins, Freebets, Bonus Chips, are valid for a period of 7 days from the time when they are credited to the players’ account. After the period of 7 days the aforementioned promotional materials expire and are not claimable or refundable. Max winnings from Cashback / Loyalty Bonus are limited to five (5x) times the initial amount of Cashback Bonus given. Any winnings above that will be forfeited. Max winnings from season/special promotions (including, but not limited to, Christmas Bonuses, Easter Bonuses, Halloween Bonuses) for 200% and above Bonus threshold, are limited to four (4x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 150% - 199% Bonus threshold, are limited to eight (8x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 120% - 149% threshold, are limited to ten (10x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 100% - 119% threshold, are limited to fifteen (15x) times the initial deposit amount. Max winnings for bonuses between 25% - 99% threshold, are limited to twenty (20x) times the initial deposit amount. Any winnings above that limits will be forfeited.
Lastly, kindly note that 250€ are available on your account.
If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding our terms and policies, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team.
Warum und auf welcher Bonusgrundlage wurden jetzt meine Gewinne storniert? Ich habe keinen weiteren Bonus genutzt !!! Ich habe mit meinem Geld diesen Gewinn erziehlt und möchte jetzt umgehend mein Geld zurück!!!
Ich habe das Casino daraufhin angeschrieben und auch Ihre eigene Antwort vom 3.3. zur Verfügung gestellt. Jetzt bekam ich diese Antwort:Dear Roswitha
Thank you for contacting us.
We understand that you may be disappointed with the outcome of the decision made by the relevant department.
Please be informed that our decision is final and was made in accordance with our terms and conditions.
We would like to inform you that our Terms and Conditions are approved and authorized by the licensing regulator, aiming to ensure that all gaming activities are carried out in a socially responsible manner.
Kind Regards
The Customer Support Team
Ich finde das alles höchst unseriös!!! Ich hoffe auf Ihre Unterstützung.
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