Hej Peter! Tak for dit svar.
Der var for nylig en funktionsfejl i vores spil, som gjorde det muligt for brugere at placere $0 bets på grund af en fejl. Brugere kunne gå ind i spillet og vinde penge uden faktisk at placere nogen indsatser. Vores team identificerede og løste straks problemet, men desværre var klienten i stand til at gøre brug af det i løbet af den tid.
Ved gennemgang af spilhistorien var det tydeligt, at klienten havde akkumuleret $24.798 gennem en fejl. Som et resultat fjernede vi beløbet på $24.042 (nuværende saldo på det tidspunkt) fra deres konto. Grunden til, at jeg nævnte $100 i min tidligere kommentar, er, at midlerne blev akkumuleret, mens klienten havde en aktiv bonus uden indskud med en maksimal udbetaling på $100. Vi sender dig spilrapporten snart!
Endnu en gang beklager vi den ulejlighed, dette måtte have medført. Som kompensation har vi krediteret kundens konto med endnu en bonus uden indskud, hvilket giver dem mulighed for at prøve lykken igen. Lad mig vide, hvis der er behov for yderligere afklaring.
Hi Peter! Thank you for your reply.
There was a recent recent malfunction in our game, which allowed users to place $0 bets due to a bug. Users could enter the game and win money without actually placing any bets. Our team promptly identified and resolved the issue, but unfortunately, the client was able to make use of it during that time.
Upon reviewing the game history, it was evident that the client had accumulated $24.798 through a bug. As a result, we removed the amount of $24.042 (current balance at that time) from their account. The reason I mentioned $100 in my previous comment is that the funds were accumulated while the client had an active No Deposit Bonus with a max cashout of $100. We will forward you the gaming report shortly!
Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. As compensation, we have credited the client's account with another No Deposit Bonus, allowing them the opportunity to try their luck once again. Let me know if any further clarification is required.
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