Jeg vil gerne indgive en formel klage vedrørende min kontolukning og den uretmæssige konfiskation af mine optjente gevinster. Jeg spillede med velkomstbonussen hos Wintopia Casino og vandt €9.100,00. Jeg tjente €9.100,00 og fik efterfølgende udbetalt €1.500,00, som derefter blev efterfulgt af, at min konto blev lukket på grund af "systematisk bonusmisbrug." Jeg fik også at vide, at jeg overtrådte paragraf 13: Samarbejde, snyd, bedrageri og kriminel aktivitet.
Dette var første gang, jeg spillede på Wintopia casino og har ingen historie med misbrug, svigagtig eller anden adfærd, der ville berettige en sådan straf. Jeg aner ikke, hvorfor min konto er blevet lukket, men jeg er overbevist om, at denne beslutning blev truffet udelukkende på baggrund af, at jeg havde vundet et betydeligt beløb.
Jeg spillede slots og havde problemer med deres side, da den gik ned og spillede bare og søgte tilfældige slots indtil jeg fandt noget jeg kunne spille.
Jeg vil gerne bede denne sag kontrolleres, og at mine tilbageholdte gevinster retfærdiggøres. Skulle denne sag forblive uløst, har jeg ingen anden mulighed end at rapportere dette til relevante myndigheder eller søge retshjælp. Jeg nægter at lade denne sag gå uafklaret og stoler på, at der vil blive udvist retfærdighed i spilindustrien.
Rådgiv mig venligst om din beslutning snarest.
I would like to launch a formal complaint regarding my account closure and the wrongful confiscation of my earned winnings. I played with the Welcome Bonus at Wintopia Casino and won €9,100.00. I earned €9,100.00 and was subsequently paid €1,500.00, which was then followed by my account getting closed for "systematic bonus abuse." I was also told that I breached Clause 13: Collusion, Cheating, Fraud, and Criminal Activity.
This was the first time I was playing at Wintopia casino and have no history of abusive, fraudulent or any other behaviour that would warrant such punishment. I have no idea why my account has been closed, but I strongly believe that this decision was made purely on the basis that I had won a considerable amount of money.
I played slots and had issues with their site, as it was crashing and just played and searched random slots until I found something I could play.
I would like to ask this case to be checked and that my withheld winnings be justified. Should this matter remain unresolved, I will have no option but to report this to relevant authorities or seek legal aid. I refuse to let this case go unresolved, and trust that fairness will be exercised within the gaming industry.
Kindly advise me on your decision at the earliest.
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