Jeg oprettede en konto på winz.io den 8. juni 2022.
På det tidspunkt havde kasinoet ingen begrænsninger for polske spillere. Denne information var også tilgængelig på casinoguru-hjemmesiden.
Baseret på og med tillid til casinguru-anmeldelsen oprettede jeg en konto der.
Men den 9. oktober blev min konto suspenderet, fortæl mig at winz.io ikke accepterer spillere fra mit land.
Udbetaler således mine indskud, men konfiskerer alle mine gevinster på cirka 300 $ (svarende til ETH, XRP, DOGE).
Jeg modtog ingen information om, at Polen blev føjet til listen over uacceptable lande, ingen e-mail, ingen privat besked til kontoen, ingen trykknap - som velrenommerede kasinoer nogle gange gør, når de ændrer reglerne.
Det mest interessante er, at jeg den 6. oktober stadig modtog salgsfremmende e-mails fra winz.io, og kontoen blev blokeret efter større gevinster i weekenden.
Derfor er det sandsynligt, at så længe du taber i winz.io, er du velkommen, men når du begynder at vinde, henviser de til punktet i reglerne, der forbyder spillet.
Selvfølgelig, da min konto blev blokeret, sagde casinoguru-webstedet stadig, at polske spillere blev accepteret. Først nu kan jeg se, at disse oplysninger er blevet ændret.
Jeg accepterer selvfølgelig, at du ikke kan spille i kasinoet, men når reglerne ændres, bør kasinoet informere spillerne om det og give dem mulighed for at hæve deres penge for at skille sig af med dem fredeligt, og ikke tillade dem at spille og derefter konfiskere deres gevinster.
Hjælp mig venligst med at løse denne sag.
Med venlig hilsen
I created an account on winz.io on June 8, 2022.
At that time, the casino had no restrictions on Polish players. This information was also available on the casinoguru website.
Based on and trusting the casinguru review, I created an account there.
However, on October 9, my account was suspended, tell me that winz.io does not accept players from my country.
Thus paying out my deposits, but confiscating all my winnings amounting to approximately $300 (equivalent in ETH, XRP, DOGE).
I did not receive any information about Poland being added to the list of unacceptable countries, no e-mail, no private message to the account, no push-button - as reputable casinos sometimes do when changing the regulations.
The most interesting thing is that on October 6 I was still receiving promotional emails from winz.io, and the account was blocked after larger winnings over the weekend.
Hence, it is likely that as long as you are losing in winz.io, you are welcome, but when you start winning, they refer to the point of the regulations prohibiting the game.
Of course, when my account was blocked, the casinoguru website still said that Polish players were accepted. Only now I see that this information has been changed.
Of course, I accept that you cannot play in the casino, but when the regulations change, the casino should inform players about it and allow them to withdraw their funds so as to part with them peacefully, and not allow them to play and then confiscate their winnings.
Please help me solve this matter.
Best Regards
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