Kære bim900129,
Jeg hedder Michal, og jeg har overtaget din klage. Jeg har gennemgået situationen og vil gerne informere dig om, at verifikationsprocessen for gameplay udført af spiludbyderen lejlighedsvis kan tage noget tid. Desværre, da denne sag ikke er helt inden for casinoholdets kontrol, må vi afvente den endelige beslutning fra spiludbyderen. Jeg vil kontakte casinoet for at se, om de kan give yderligere oplysninger om dette problem, hvis det er muligt.
Vi vil også gerne invitere Ybets Casino til at deltage i denne diskussion.
Kære Ybets Casino,
Vi ville sætte pris på, hvis du kunne give os nogen opdateringer vedrørende status for "spiludbydertjekket" og den forventede tidslinje for behandling af spillerens tilbagetrækning. Tak.
Dear bim900129,
I'm Michal, and I have taken over your complaint. I have reviewed the situation and would like to inform you that the verification process for gameplay conducted by the game provider can occasionally take some time. Unfortunately, as this matter is not entirely within the casino team's control, we must await the final decision from the game provider. I will contact the casino to see if they can provide any additional information regarding this issue, if possible.
We would also like to invite Ybets Casino to participate in this discussion.
Dear Ybets Casino,
We would appreciate it if you could provide us with any updates regarding the status of the "game provider check" and the anticipated timeline for processing the player's withdrawal. Thank you.
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