Kære Sneza77,
Mange tak for din klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om dit problem. Tillad mig at stille dig et par spørgsmål for at sikre, at jeg forstår situationen fuldstændigt.
- Hvornår præcist registrerede du dig på casinoet?
- Har du udfyldt din profil med de korrekte personlige oplysninger, inklusive dit bopælsland?
- Kan du bekræfte, at du ikke har brugt en VPN eller anden IP-maskeringssoftware til at registrere dig på kasinoet?
- Forstår jeg korrekt, at du bestod KYC-bekræftelsen?
- Har casinoet givet dig nogen information om den resterende saldo på din konto, efter at den blev blokeret på grund af en opdateret politik for begrænsede lande?
Jeg undskylder for de forældede oplysninger om tilladte lande på vores hjemmeside. Bemærk venligst, at vi i øjeblikket har over 5000 kasinoer i vores database. Selvom vi gør alt for at sikre, at oplysningerne er nøjagtige, på grund af branchens dynamiske natur, er det tilrådeligt altid at tjekke vilkårene og betingelserne for det valgte casino for at kontrollere, om de virkelig accepterer spillere fra dit land.
Samtidig vil jeg dog gerne understrege en meget vigtig kendsgerning fra vores Fair Gambling Codex :
"Den rigtige ting at gøre er at tjekke for lande med begrænsninger under kontooprettelsesprocessen og ikke at tillade spillere fra lande med begrænsninger at registrere sig og spille. Hvis kasinoet kender til lande med begrænsninger og også kender spillerens bopælsland, er det ikke et stort problem. spørgsmål om at håndhæve denne regel.
Hvis kasinoet tillader en spiller fra et begrænset land at spille, fordi det ikke har implementeret denne kontrol, bør det acceptere, at det var kasinoets fejl og udbetale alle gevinster til spilleren på trods af, at de ikke skulle have haft lov til at spille i første omgang, forudsat at spilleren ikke har gjort andet, der er imod reglerne."
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. På forhånd tak for dit svar.
Med venlig hilsen
Dear Sneza77,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Please allow me to ask you a few questions to make sure I understand the situation completely.
- When exactly did you register at the casino?
- Have you filled out your profile with the correct personal information, including your country of residence?
- Could you please confirm that you have not used a VPN or other IP masking software to register into the casino?
- Do I understand correctly that you passed the KYC verification?
- Has the casino given you any information regarding the remaining balance in your account after it was blocked due to an updated restricted countries policy?
I apologize for the outdated information about allowed countries on our website. Please note that we currently have over 5000 casinos in our database. Although we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate, due to the dynamic nature of the industry, it is advisable to always check the Terms and Conditions of the selected casino to verify if they truly accept players from your country.
At the same time, however, I would like to emphasize a very important fact from our Fair Gambling Codex:
"The right thing to do is to check for restricted countries during the account creation process and to not allow players from restricted countries to register and play. If the casino knows about restricted countries and also knows the player's country of residence, it's not a big issue to enforce this rule.
If the casino allows a player from a restricted country to play because it hasn't implemented this check, it should accept that it was the casino's mistake and pay out all winnings to the player despite the fact that they shouldn't have been allowed to play in the first place, provided that the player hasn't done anything else that's against the rules."
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your response.
Best regards
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