Kære 20Bet Casino ,
Tak, fordi du omgående leverede det ønskede bevis og for dine detaljerede svar på alle mine henvendelser.
Kære rl335812 ,
Tak for din tålmodighed under hele undersøgelsesprocessen.
Jeg vil gerne informere dig om, at jeg har modtaget og grundigt gennemgået spilhistorikken leveret af 20Bet Casino. Efter detaljerede drøftelser med kasinoets repræsentant og yderligere afklaringer, beklager jeg at meddele dig, at jeg på baggrund af de tilgængelige beviser må støtte kasinoets holdning i denne sag.
Du hævdede, at du mistede hele saldoen fra din første indbetaling (150.000 KRW + 75.000 KRW bonus = 225.000 KRW). Men efter at have gennemgået optegnelserne, ser det ud til, at da du foretog din anden indbetaling på 700.000 KRW, var din saldo stadig 30.000 KRW. Dette indikerer, at din bonus stadig var aktiv på det tidspunkt. Derfor skete deaktiveringen af bonussen ikke, som du havde foreslået.
Som et resultat ser det ud til, at du fortsatte med at spille med den aktive bonus og desværre overtrådte casinoets max bet regel i næsten alle tilfælde. I henhold til casinoets vilkår og betingelser blev alle gevinster, der stammede fra bonussen, efterfølgende annulleret.
Selvom jeg forstår, at dette muligvis ikke er det resultat, du håbede på, må jeg bekræfte, at baseret på de foreliggende fakta, var kasinoets handlinger i overensstemmelse med deres etablerede regler og politikker.
På grund af de førnævnte grunde er jeg tvunget til at afvise din klage som " ubegrundet ".
Til fremtidig reference anbefaler jeg stærkt, at du nøje overvåger status for alle aktive bonusser og sikrer, at du overholder de maksimale indsatsgrænser, mens du spiller med en bonus, da dette er en almindelig tilstand i online casinoer. Skulle du nogensinde finde dig selv i tvivl om vilkårene for en bonus, så tøv ikke med at kontakte casinoets supportteam for at få en afklaring.
Jeg beklager virkelig, at jeg ikke kunne give en mere gunstig løsning i denne sag, og jeg forstår fuldt ud din skuffelse. Hvis du støder på yderligere problemer med dette eller ethvert andet casino i fremtiden, er du velkommen til at kontakte vores klageløsningscenter. Vi er altid her for at hjælpe dig og vil fortsætte med at slå til lyd for retfærdighed i branchen.
Tak for din forståelse, og jeg håber, at dine fremtidige spiloplevelser bliver mere givende.
Bedste hilsner,
Dear 20Bet Casino,
Thank you for promptly providing the requested evidence and for your detailed responses to all of my inquiries.
Dear rl335812,
Thank you for your patience throughout the investigation process.
I wanted to inform you that I have received and thoroughly reviewed the game history provided by 20Bet Casino. After detailed discussions with the casino representative and further clarifications, I regret to inform you that, based on the available evidence, I must support the casino’s position on this matter.
You claimed that you lost the entire balance from your first deposit (150,000 KRW + 75,000 KRW bonus = 225,000 KRW). However, upon reviewing the records, it appears that when you made your second deposit of 700,000 KRW, your balance was still 30,000 KRW. This indicates that your bonus was still active at that time. Therefore, the deactivation of the bonus did not occur as you had suggested.
As a result, it seems that you continued playing with the active bonus and unfortunately breached the casino’s max bet rule in almost every instance. According to the casino’s Terms and Conditions, any winnings that originated from the bonus were subsequently voided.
While I understand this may not be the outcome you were hoping for, I must confirm that, based on the facts at hand, the casino’s actions were in line with their established rules and policies.
Due to the aforementioned reasons I am forced to reject your complaint as "unjustified".
For future reference, I highly recommend you carefully monitor the status of any active bonuses and ensure that you adhere to the max bet limits while playing with a bonus, as this is a common condition in online casinos. Should you ever find yourself in doubt about the terms of a bonus, don’t hesitate to reach out to the casino’s support team for clarification.
I truly regret that I could not provide a more favorable resolution in this case, and I fully understand your disappointment. If you encounter any further issues with this or any other casino in the future, please feel free to contact our Complaint Resolution Center. We are always here to assist you and will continue to advocate for fairness in the industry.
Thank you for your understanding, and I hope your future gaming experiences are more rewarding.
Best Regards,
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