Hej, nu er jeg i kontakt med kasinoet, jeg var nødt til at sende dem en e-mail fra en anden e-mail, forskellig fra den jeg plejede at registrere (i supportchatten bad de mig om at gøre det) de bad mig om fakturaerne for betalinger, jeg foretog, efter flere forsøg på at forklare dem, at Rapipago ikke er en bank.
-Forstår jeg korrekt, at bekræftelse af betalingsmetoden synes at være den eneste hindring, der står mellem dig og dine gevinster?
Re: Tilsyneladende ja, jeg sendte dem de fakturaer de bad om, selvom jeg ikke kunne finde en bestemt, gik der 40 dage siden jeg begyndte at skrive til dem, jeg kunne ikke finde den.
-Har du indsendt alle de andre personlige dokumenter, der kræves til verifikationen?
Re: Ja, udover fakturaerne bad de mig om et billede af mit id, og en selfie med id'et, og også en enhed, hvor du kan se chatten med dem.
03:18 am gtm -3 min lokal tid, fortalte de mig "Dine data er under verifikation nu. Vent på svaret, tak."
så jeg venter og ser hvad de fortæller mig.
Hello, now I am in contact with the casino, I had to send them an email from another email, different from the one I used to register (in the support chat they told me to do it) they asked me for the invoices for the payments I made, after several attempts to explain to them that Rapipago is not a bank.
-Do I understand correctly that verifying the payment method seems to be the only obstacle standing between you and your winnings?
Re: Apparently yes, I sent them the invoices they asked for, although I couldn't find a specific one, 40 days passed since I started writing to them, I couldn't find it.
-Have you submitted all the other personal documents required for the verification?
Re: Yes, in addition to the invoices, they asked me for a photo of my ID, and a selfie holding the ID, and also a device where you can see the chat with them.
being 03:18 am gtm -3 my local time, they told me "Your data is under verification now. Wait for the answer, please."
so I'll wait and see what they tell me.
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