Hej, cawino'en lukkede min konto, han fortalte mig, at verifikation var påkrævet, jeg sendte en optagelse af alt, hvad de bad om, opsamling af indskud, min konto og dokumenter, de svarede, at de lukkede dem for at overtræde vilkår og regler, men det er umuligt, da jeg investerede mange penge på min konto for at gøre det, bad jeg dem give mig forklaringer på, hvad der ifølge dem var de normative vilkår, som jeg påførte mig, og de reagerer ikke. Jeg vil have min konto og mine penge tilbage, fordi de blokerede mig, jeg har endda skærmbilleder af samtaler med mods på siden, som ikke kan tro, at de blokerede mig, da de vidste, hvordan jeg opførte mig.
Hello, the cawino closed my account, he told me that verification was required, I sent a capture of everything they asked for, captures of deposits, my account and documents, they responded that they closed them for violating terms and regulations, but that is impossible since I invested a lot of money in my account to do that, I asked them to give me explanations of what, according to them, were the normative terms that I inflicted and they do not respond. I want my account and my money back because they blocked me, I even have screenshots of conversations with mods on the site who can't believe they blocked me since they knew how I behaved.
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