Kære Rolexesh,
Jeg undskylder for mit lidt forsinkede svar, men jeg prøvede at finde en passende konsensus med casino-teamet, desværre lykkedes det mig ikke på trods af min bedste indsats.
Selvom casinorepræsentanten gav mig nogle grunde til, hvorfor deres casinoplatform ikke tillader dem automatisk at anvende den maksimale indsatsgrænse, men efterhånden som branchen udvikler sig, og vi ved af erfaring, at hundredvis, hvis ikke tusindvis, af andre casinoer er i stand til at sætte sådanne eller meget lignende foranstaltninger for at forhindre spillere i utilsigtet at bryde nogen regler, mener vi stadig, at dette ikke er en gyldig grund til at konfiskere alle dine gevinster. Som allerede nævnt, ifølge vores Fair Gambling Codex , mener vi hos Casino Guru, at reglen om maksimal indsats ikke bør anvendes i et spil med rigtige penge uden en bonus. Vi mener, at spillerne skal kunne placere væddemål i det beløb, de ønsker, og den eneste acceptable begrænsning bør håndhæves af casinosystemet eller et spil automatisk, så spilleren ikke utilsigtet bryder den. Vi forsøger at presse hele branchen til at skabe et sikrere og mere retfærdigt miljø for spillerne, og den (ikke-automatiserede) anvendelse af den omtalte regel er det modsatte.
Desværre, da vi ikke var i stand til at finde en konsensus med kasinoet, er vi tvunget til at lukke denne klage som uløst. Jeg forstår, at dette ikke er en tilfredsstillende løsning på dit problem. Dog kan faldet i vurderingen forårsaget af uafklarede klager være med til at ændre kasinoets tilgang. Hvis casinoet beslutter sig for at genoverveje, vil vi genåbne klagen, og du vil blive underrettet via e-mail.
Hvis du føler, at du vil tage denne klage videre, kan du kontakte Curacao/Antillephone Gaming Authority ( complaints@gaminglicences.com , certria@gaminglicences.com ) og indsend en klage til dem. Spillemyndigheden har muligvis flere muligheder og værktøjer til at hjælpe spillere. Fortæl mig venligst, hvis du har brug for hjælp til at indsende klagen, eller hvordan de reagerede, hvis du kan gøre det på egen hånd ( michal.k@casino.guru ). Jeg beklager, at jeg ikke kunne være til mere hjælp ved denne lejlighed.
Med venlig hilsen,
Casino Guru
Dear Rolexesh,
I apologize for my bit delayed response, but I was trying to find a suitable consensus with the casino team, unfortunately, despite my best efforts, I was not successful.
Although the casino representative provided me with some reasons why their casino platform doesn't allow them to automatically apply the max bet limit, but as the industry is evolving and we know from experience that hundreds, if not thousands, of other casinos are able to set such or very similar measures to prevent players from unintentionally breaking any rules, we still believe this is not a valid reason for confiscating all your winnings. As was already mentioned, according to our Fair Gambling Codex, we at Casino Guru believe the maximum bet rule should not be applied in a real money play without a bonus. We believe the players should be able to place bets in the amount they desire, and the only somehow acceptable limitation should be enforced by the casino system or a game automatically so that the player does not unintentionally break it. We are trying to push the whole industry to create a safer and fairer environment for the players, and the (non-automated) application of the discussed rule is the opposite.
Unfortunately, as we were not able to find a consensus with the casino, we are forced to close this complaint as unresolved. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in the rating caused by unresolved complaints might help change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to reconsider, we will reopen the complaint, and you will be notified by email.
If you feel you want to take this complaint further you can contact the Curacao/Antillephone Gaming Authority (complaints@gaminglicences.com, certria@gaminglicences.com) and submit a complaint to them. The Gaming Authority might have more options and tools to help players. Please let me know if you need help with submitting the complaint or how they responded if you can do it on your own (michal.k@casino.guru). I am sorry I could not be of more help on this occasion.
Best regards,
Casino Guru
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