Giv os en e -mail -adresse, hvor vi kan sende beviser.
Hej Team,
Vi er her i dag for at afklare denne situation fra vores perspektiv.
Som et casino med licens er vi forpligtet til at foretage verifikation af spillerkonti fra vores betalingssystemudbydere samt af vores licens.
Den første dokumentanmodning blev sendt den 6. juni 2021, som angav listen over KYC -dokumenter, der var nødvendige for spillerens kontobekræftelse, samt kravene til disse dokumenter.
Efter den første dokumentanmodning indsendte spilleren kun ID -dokumentet, et tegnebog -skærmbillede og adressebeviset den 6. juni 2021. Spilleren kunne dog ikke levere et selfie -billede. Tilbagekaldelsen blev afvist.
Den 9. juni 2021 indsendte spilleren derefter et selfie -billede, som blev bekræftet sammen med ID -dokumentet og tegnebogen, men beviset på adressedokumentet mislykkedes validering. Tilbagetrækningen blev endnu en gang afvist.
Spilleren kontaktede os vedrørende den nægtede tilbagetrækning den 11. juni 2021 og spurgte, hvorfor hans tilbagetrækning blev nægtet, hvortil han modtog et svar om, at der blev sendt en e -mail til ham, der forklarede, at verificeringsprocessen ikke kunne afsluttes, fordi spilleren ikke fremlagde en kontoudtog eller en regning, som oprindeligt anmodet om.
Herefter uploadede spilleren igen det samme dokument den 13. juni 2021, hvilket tidligere ikke lykkedes at validere. Igen kunne dokumentet ikke valideres, og tilbagetrækningen blev afvist.
Den 14. juni 2021 kontaktede spilleren os igen med anmodningen om, hvorfor hans tilbagetrækning blev afvist, hvortil han modtog et svar om, at dokumenterne ikke opfyldte vores krav, og at spilleren skulle levere et kontoudtog eller en regning, som ikke er ældre end 3 måneder.
Den 16. juni 2021 uploadede spilleren et kontoudtog, men dokumentet blev ændret grafisk, hvilket ifølge vores oprindeligt sendte dokumentkrav ikke kan accepteres. Dokumentet mislykkedes validering, og tilbagetrækningen blev nægtet igen.
Den 17. juni 2021 uploadede spilleren endnu et dokument 2 gange mere. Dette dokument var en mobiltelefonregning. Endnu en gang kunne spilleren ikke levere det dokument, som vi oprindeligt anmodede om, som var et kontoudtog eller en regning. På dette tidspunkt leverede spilleren de forkerte dokumenter 5 gange, som alle ikke opfyldte vores krav.
I henhold til vores vilkår og betingelser:
3.4.2. Hvis vores sikkerhedsafdeling ikke fuldt ud kan verificere kundens konto og have rimelig mistanke om, at der er tale om svigagtig aktivitet, kan kundens gevinster annulleres og kontoen blokeres.
Med hensyn til dette blev spillerkontoen blokeret, og indbetalingen blev returneret til hans betalingssystem.
Please give us an email address where we can send evidence.
Hello Team,
We are here today to clarify this situation from our perspective.
As a licensed casino, we are required to conduct players account verification by our payment system providers, as well as by our license.
The initial document request was sent on June 6th, 2021, which stated the list of KYC documents which were required for player's account verification, as well as the requirements for those documents.
After the initial document request, the player submitted only the ID document, a wallet screenshot, and the proof of address on June 6th 2021. However, the player failed to provide a selfie photo. The withdrawal was rejected.
On June 9th 2021, the player then submitted a selfie photo, which was successfully verified along with the ID document and the wallet screenshot, however the proof of address document failed validation. The withdrawal was once again rejected.
The player contacted us regarding the denied withdrawal on June 11th 2021 asking why his withdrawal was denied, to which he received a reply that an email was sent to him explaining that the verification process could not be completed because the player did not provide a bank statement or a utility bill, as initially requested.
After this, the player once again uploaded the same document on June 13th 2021, which failed validation previously. Once again, the document could not be validated and the withdrawal was rejected.
On June 14th 2021, the player contacted us again with the request as to why his withdrawal was rejected, to which he received a reply that the documents did not meet our requirements, and that the player was to provide a bank statement or utility bill which is not older than 3 months.
On June 16th 2021, the player uploaded a bank statement, however the document was graphically modified, which, according to our initially sent document requirements, cannot be accepted. The document failed validation and the withdrawal was denied again.
On June 17th 2021, the player uploaded another document 2 more times. This document was a mobile phone bill. Once again, the player failed to provide the document which we initially requested, which were a bank statement or a utility bill. At this point, the player provided the wrong documents 5 times, all of which did not meet our requirements.
As per our Terms and Conditions:
3.4.2. If our security department can’t fully verify clients account and have reasonable suspicions that fraudulent activity is at play, clients winnings can be voided and account blocked.
In regard to this, the players account was blocked and the deposit was returned to his payment system.
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