At kontakte betalingsbehandleren ville kræve, at jeg har en form for kontaktoplysninger, de vil ikke give mig dette. De eneste kontaktoplysninger, de vil give mig, er for support, som i det væsentlige er dem, jeg taler med, når de nægter at hjælpe mig. De hævder, at afdelingen har meget travlt, og at de snart vil finde tid til at behandle min sag. Der er gået næsten 10 timer, siden jeg indgav klagen efter indbetalingen. De har endnu ikke kontaktet mig, support siger de vil, når de kan finde tid til det. Men mindre end en time efter at have indgivet klagen, kunne de ikke "finde tid" til at behandle klagen. De "fandt dog tid" til at gå ind i tegnebogen og udtrække saldoen, ikke mere end en time efter indbetalingen. Hvilket jeg kan vise med vedhæftede billeder. Det kaldes tyveri og helt bevidst gik de ind i tegnebogen og udtrak, hvad der svarer til 20 af mine oprindelige valuta-dollars (CAD). Jeg tester altid nye casinoer, jeg spiller på, ved kun at indbetale 20 dollars, og selvom det ikke er mange penge, forhindrede det dem ikke i at fjerne dem med vilje fra tegnebogen. Det er princippet og tyveri af ethvert beløb er stadig tyveri
Contacting the payment processor would require me having some sort of contact info they will not provide me with this. The only contact info they will provide me with is for support which is essentially who I'm talking to when they deny to help me. They claim that the department is very busy and they'll find time soon to address my case. It has been nearly 10 hours since I made the complaint, following the deposit. They have yet to contact me, support say they will when they can find time to. But less than an hour after submitting the complaint, they couldn't "find time" to address the complaint. They did however "find time" to go into the wallet and extract the balance, no more than an hour following the deposit. Which I can show with photos attached. That's called theft and absolutely deliberate, they went into the wallet and extracted the equivalent to 20 of my native currency dollars (CAD). I always test new casinos I play at by only depositing 20 bucks and though it not much money, that didn't stop them from intentionally removing from the wallet. It's the principle and theft of any amount is still theft
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