Modtog en "fredagsloyalitetsbelønning" på NZD19,98 inden den 21. januar 2023, spillet et par timer på bordspil-Blackjack. Samme dato var omsætningskravet (35x) opfyldt.
Beløbet på min kontantkonto er blevet rullet op til NZD9751,00. Forsøger at anmode om hævning i kontanter af transaktioner:
NZD4.000,00 x2
NZD1.000,00 x1
ind på den udpegede verificerede bankkonto.
I mellemtiden har jeg modtaget to gratis spins til følgende:
Og jeg prøvede at aktivere dem. Da jeg kom ind i spilprompten, sagde meddelelsen, at min konto var blevet suspenderet. Kontakt kundeservice for problemet.
Kundeservice hævdede, at min konto var blevet aktiveret igen til spil. Da jeg tjekkede min historik, var min anmodning om kontantudbetaling blevet annulleret.
Midlerne på kassekontoen er dog ændret til NZD100,00 i stedet for NZD9571,00.
Jeg har igen kontaktet kundeservice; de bruger blot den betingelse, at de kun kan hæve op til NZD100,00. Resten af mine heldige gevinster er blevet konfiskeret af kasinoet. Ja, de kontanter, der skulle være mine, er blevet taget væk af kasinoet.
Jeg argumenterede for, at hvis de kan hæve op til NZD100,00, skulle de lade den uindløselige del stå på bonuskontoen i stedet for på kontantkontoen. Fordi kontantkontoen betragtes som din bankkonto, og pengene skal tilhøre os. De hævdede dog, at deres betalingsteam har den endelige beslutning om enten at betale eller "justere" kontosaldoen.
Hovedargumentet er, at hvis de kun tillader folk at hæve NZD100,00, skal beløbet ikke vises på en kontantkonto i stedet for på bonuskontoen. Derfor bør den korrekte demonstration være Kontantkonto: NZD100,00, Bonuskonto NZD9.471,00.
Fordi udtrykket og systemdemonstrationen var tvetydig, er det ulovligt at konfiskere min saldo på pengekontoen.
Jeg anmoder om, at Bitstarz returnerer det konfiskerede kontantkontobeløb på NZD 9751,00 til min kontantkonto og godkender anmodningerne om kontantudbetaling.
Received a "Friday Loyalty Reward" of NZD19.98 by 21 Jan 2023, played a few hours on Table Games- Blackjack. On the same date, the wagering requirement (35x) was satisfied.
The amount of my cash account has been rolled up to NZD9751.00. Trying to request withdrawal cash of transactions:
NZD4,000.00 x2
NZD1,000.00 x1
into the nominated verified bank account.
Meanwhile, I have received two free spins for the following:
And I was trying to activate them. When I got into the game prompt, the message said that my account had been suspended. Contact customer service for the issue.
Customer service claimed that my account had been activated again for play. When I checked my history, my cash withdrawal request had been cancelled.
However, the funds in the cash account have changed to NZD100.00 instead of NZD9571.00.
I have contacted customer service again; they are just using the condition that they can only withdraw up to NZD100.00. The rest of my lucky winnings have been confiscated by the casino. Yes, the cash that was supposed to be mine has been taken away by the casino.
I argued that if they can withdraw up to NZD100.00, they should leave the uncashable portion in the bonus account instead of in the cash account. Because the cash account is considered your bank account, and the money should belong to us. However, they claimed that their Payment Team have the final decision to either pay or "adjust" the account balance.
The main argument is that if they only allow people to withdraw NZD100.00, the amount should not demonstrate in a cash account instead of in the bonus account. Therefore, the correct demonstration should be Cash Account: NZD100.00, Bonus Account NZD9,471.00.
Because the term and system demonstration was ambiguous, confiscating my balance in the cash account is illegal.
I request that Bitstarz return the confiscated cash account amount of NZD 9751.00 to my cash account and approve the cash withdrawal requests.
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