Hej Weijie,
Tak for din tålmodighed. Jeg kan bekræfte, at jeg er i kontakt med casino-teamet. De har givet mig en chatudskrift fra det tidspunkt, hvor du anmodede om selvudelukkelse.
Det er vigtigt at specificere årsagen, da denne information er afgørende. Hvis kasinoet er opmærksom på en spillers spilleproblem, bør kontoen lukkes uden mulighed for at genåbne, med kun få undtagelser. Dette skyldes, at en sådan spiller ikke kan kontrollere deres handlinger. Men hvis der er andre grunde, såsom blot at tage en pause fra gambling, er det ret standard, at sådan en konto nemt kan genåbnes, da det vurderes, at spilleren stadig har kontrollen.
I dit tilfælde, baseret på udskriften, da du blev spurgt om en grund til, hvorfor du ønsker at udelukke dig selv, var dit svar simpelthen "Jeg vil selv udelukke". Senere, da du spurgte, hvor lang tid det vil tage at lukke kontoen, tilføjede du denne besked "beklager, jeg vil ikke spille mere, må stoppe mig selv med denne selvudelukkelse", der var nogle indikationer, men det var ikke nok for at afgøre, om du bare vil have en pause fra gambling eller har problemer med at kontrollere. Jeg anbefaler altid at være specifik omkring problemet, når det er muligt. Direkte at informere casinoet om sådanne problemer kan beskytte dig i fremtiden.
Jeg er meget ked af det, men uden yderligere beviser, der viser kasinoets bevidsthed om dit hasardspilproblem, er jeg ikke i stand til at fortsætte med denne sag. Har du yderligere beviser til støtte for dine påstande?
Hi Weijie,
Thank you for your patience. I can confirm that I am in contact with the casino team. They have provided me with a chat transcript from the time you requested self-exclusion.
It is important to specify the reason, as this information is crucial. If the casino is aware of a player's gambling problem, the account should be closed without the chance to reopen, with only a few exceptions. This is because such a player cannot control their actions. However, if there are other reasons, such as just taking a break from gambling, it is quite standard for such an account to be easily reopened, as it is considered that the player is still in control.
In your case, based on the transcript, when asked for a reason why you want to self-exclude, your response was simply "I want to self exclude". Later when you asked how long will it take to close the account, you added this message "sorry i don't want to gamble anymore, have to stop myself with this self exclusion"., there were some indications, but it was not enough to determine if you just want to have a pause from gambling or having problems with controlling. I always recommend being specific about the issue when possible. Directly informing the casino about such issues can protect you in the future.
I am very sorry, but without additional evidence demonstrating the casino's awareness of your gambling issue, I am unable to proceed with this case. Do you have any additional evidence to support your claims?
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