Foretog en tilbagetrækning den 31. oktober.
Efter at have spurgt flere gange sagde de, at tilbagetrækningen skulle ske.
Der er stadig intet på min bankkonto, og min bank har heller ikke blokeret noget.
I går bad de om en komplet transaktionsliste for den sidste måned, og det er en no-go.
Jeg foretog udbetalingen via Øjeblikkelig overførsel for 15 dage siden.
Også en anden hævning hos dem var på min konto samme dag. (1000 €)
Made a withdrawal on the 31st of October.
After asking several times they said the withdrawal should be done.
There's still nothing on my bank account and also my bank did not blocked anything.
Yesterday, they asked for a full transaction list for the last month, and that's a no-go.
I made the withdrawal via Instant Transfer 15 days ago.
Also another withdrawal with them was on my account the same day. (1000€)
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