Hej tiptizzie24,
Hej Peter,
Jeg håber, at du har det godt og trygt.
Bemærk, at vi har gennemgået din konto og det problem, du er stødt på.
For at starte med kan vi se, at du har indbetalt den 12. juli med bonussen BIGCAT50 . Betingelserne for kampagnen siger, at bonussen kun kan omsættes på ikke-progressive slots, og de kan ses her:
Fra hvad vi kan se, har du afsluttet din første udbetalingsanmodning på $2.500,00 kl. 12:31:53 den 15/7/2023, kasinotid. Den anden udbetalingsanmodning på $1.500.00 blev afsluttet den 16.7.2023, og med denne udbetaling har du nået din ugentlige udbetalingsgrænse på $4.000.00, da dit VIP-niveau er sølv. Detaljerne for hvert VIP-niveau kan ses her.
Da du har indsendt din tredje udbetalingsanmodning den 22. juli på et beløb på $2.500,00, var du ikke i stand til at afslutte den, da du stadig var inden for dine ugentlige udbetalingsgrænser. Den nævnte dag var du i stand til at anmode om i alt 1.500,00 USD. Da du har besluttet at indsende din udbetalingsanmodning for hele $4.000,00, var du nødt til at vente til den 24. juli for at kunne hæve det fulde beløb.
Derfor havde de tekniske problemer, der faktisk opstod i løbet af den 23. juli, ingen indflydelse på din tilbagetrækningsstatus og dine grænser.
Når du har indsendt din følgende udbetalingsanmodning på $4.000,00 den 24. juli, blev det fastslået, at du har spillet progressive slots, hvilket er en overtrædelse af bonusvilkårene og -betingelserne.

Vi skal også henlede din opmærksomhed på det faktum, at vilkårene for kampagnen forbliver i fuld virkning fra det øjeblik, den først blev gjort krav på, indtil hele saldoen trækkes ud, og en ny indbetalingshandling foretages.
7.1. Generelle bonus- og kampagneregler
w. " Når der er gjort krav på en bonus, træder vilkårene for denne bonus i kraft med det samme. Disse vilkår forbliver i fuld virkning, indtil en ny fondshandling (indbetaling eller bonus) behandles til din konto, og efter at bonussen er blevet fjernet fra din saldo. Bonus Vilkårene forbliver i kraft, efter at væddemålet er blevet opfyldt. Bonusvilkårene forbliver i kraft, efter at en udbetaling er behandlet. Bonusvilkårene forbliver i kraft, når den spilbare saldo falder til under $/€ 1. Indbetaling oven på din eksisterende bonussaldo annulleres ikke bonusvilkårene. Enhver overtrædelse af vilkårene, mens de er i kraft, kan resultere i, at alle gevinster annulleres i henhold til vilkårene og betingelserne. Betingelserne for kampagnen er ikke i kraft, når en ny fondshandling (indbetaling eller bonus) er foretaget i øjeblikket er den spilbare saldo under $1,00. Se udtrykket 7.1.i. "
På tidspunktet for din udbetalingsanmodning blev det fastslået, at du har spillet 485 spil på progressive spilleautomater og satset i alt $1.543,00 i processen.

På grund af den foretagne overtrædelse anvendte betalingsteamet vilkåret 7.1.w. dermed annulleres gevinsterne.
Vi håber, at forklaringen er klar og forståelig nok. Skulle du have brug for yderligere information, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os.
Med venlig hilsen,
Luke Newman
Kasino Brango Management
Hello tiptizzie24,
Hello Peter,
I hope that you're well and safe.
Please note that we have reviewed your account and the issue you have encountered.
To start off, we see that you have deposited on the 12th of July using the bonus BIGCAT50. The terms of the promotion state that the bonus can be wagered on Non-progressive slots only and they can be seen here:
From what we can see, you have finalized your first withdrawal request of $2,500.00 at 12:31:53 on 7/15/2023, Casino time. The second withdrawal request of $1,500.00 was finalized on 7/16/2023, and with this withdrawal, you have reached your $4,000.00 weekly withdrawal limit given that your VIP level is Silver. The details of each VIP level can be seen here.
Given that you have submitted your third withdrawal request on the 22nd of July, in the amount of $2,500.00, you were not able to finalize it as you were still within your weekly withdrawal limits. On said day, you were able to request a total of $1,500.00. As you have decided to submit your withdrawal request for the full $4,000.00 you were required to wait until the 24th of July in order to be able to withdraw the full amount.
Therefore, the technical difficulties that indeed occurred during the 23rd of July, had no effect on your withdrawal status and limits.
Once you have submitted your following withdrawal request of $4,000.00 on the 24th of July, it was determined that you have played Progressive slots which is a violation of the Bonus Terms & Conditions.

We must also turn your attention to the fact that the Terms of the promotion remain in full effect all from the moment it was first claimed up until the the entire balance is withdrawn and a new deposit action is made.
7.1. General Bonus and Promotion Rules
w. "Once a bonus is claimed, the terms of that bonus step into effect immediately. These terms remain in full effect until a new Fund Action (Deposit or Bonus) is processed to your account and after the bonus has been cleared from your balance. Bonus Terms will remain in effect after Wagering has been met. Bonus Terms will remain in effect after a Withdrawal is processed. Bonus Terms will remain in effect after Playable Balance drops below $/€ 1. Depositing on top of your existing bonus balance does not void the Bonus Terms. Any violations of the terms while they are in effect, may result in all winnings being voided as per the Terms & Conditions. The Terms of the promotion are not in effect once a new fund action (deposit or bonus) is made at the moment the playable balance is below $1.00. Refer to the term 7.1.i."
At the moment of your withdrawal request, it was established that you have played a 485 games on Progressive slots, wagering a total of $1,543.00 in the process.

Due to the violation made, the Payments team applied the term 7.1.w. thus voiding the winnings.
We hope the explanation provided is clear and understandable enough. Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Luke Newman
Casino Brango Management
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