Kære Casino Guru Team,
Vi er glade for, at vi har mulighed for at give dig et ordentligt svar!
Vi er glade for at kunne informere dig om, at din konto er blevet bekræftet, og at du nu er i stand til at foretage en ny udbetalingsanmodning. Vi forstår, at opdateringen af betalingsudbyderen forårsagede en vis usikkerhed for dig. Som et tegn på god vilje kan vi med glæde informere dig om, at vi har gjort en undtagelse, og vi forstår, at dette ikke er din skyld.
For at fortsætte med udbetalingen skal du logge ind på din konto og hæve dine gevinster ved at bruge den sidste e-wallet, du brugte til at foretage en indbetaling. Derudover skal du sørge for, at din anmodning er inden for udbetalingsgrænserne, som er: €700 pr. dag, €3.500 pr. uge, €14.000 pr. måned. Når anmodningen om tilbagetrækning er foretaget, vil vores team tjekke den så hurtigt som muligt inden for den tidsramme, der er nævnt i vores vilkår og betingelser.
Hvis du har spørgsmål, er du velkommen til at kontakte vores supportteam.
Tak for din forståelse.
Venlig hilsen,
CashWin Support Team
Dear Casino Guru Team,
We are happy that we have the opportunity to give you a proper response!
We are pleased to inform you that your account has been successfully verified and now you are able to make a new withdrawal request. We understand that the update of the payment provider caused some uncertainty for you. In a sign of goodwill, we are happy to inform you that we made an exception and we understand that this is not your fault.
To proceed with the withdrawal, please log in to your account and withdraw your winnings using the last e-wallet you used for making a deposit. Additionally, please make sure that your request is in the withdrawal limits which are: €700 per day, €3,500 per week, €14,000 per month. Once the withdrawal request is made, our team will check it as fast as possible in the timeframe mentioned in our Terms & Conditions.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
CashWin Support Team
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