Kære Branislav,
Vi sætter pris på muligheden for at afklare situationen. I henhold til vores vilkår og betingelser:
Afsnit 23.6: En spiller kan annullere en aktiv bonus til enhver tid gennem profilsektionen eller ved at kontakte os via Live Chat eller e-mail. Ved annullering annulleres hele bonussaldoen, inklusive eventuelle gevinster akkumuleret i løbet af bonusperioden, automatisk.
Afsnit 23.17: Hvis en spiller anmoder om en udbetaling før opfyldelse af indsatskravene, annulleres både bonussen og de tilknyttede gevinster, og kun de resterende reelle midler, hvis nogen, vil blive udbetalt til spilleren.
Specifikke detaljer om spillerens sag:
Spilleren skulle opfylde et omsætningskrav på 35x indbetalingen + bonus (i dette tilfælde en indbetaling på €392,84), hvilket betyder, at der i alt skulle satses €27.498,80 for at frigive bonussen.
Spilleren formåede at satse €9.462,00, hvilket repræsenterer 34,40% af den krævede indsats. På tidspunktet for annulleringen havde spilleren kun bonusmidler tilbage på sin konto, og som sådan, når bonussen blev annulleret, trak systemet automatisk den resterende bonussaldo på €1.749,38. Da spilleren havde opbrugt alle rigtige midler før dette, er en tilbagebetaling af indbetalingen ikke mulig, da spilleren allerede havde spillet med kun bonusmidler.
Mens spilleren hævder, at de ikke med vilje har annulleret bonussen, kræver processen bekræftelse fra spillerens konto, og bonussen blev faktisk annulleret i henhold til vores systemregistreringer. Vi forstår dog, at der kan ske fejl, og vi bestræber os altid på at give vores spillere en positiv spiloplevelse.
Som en goodwill-gest har vi besluttet at genudstede bonussen på €392,84, hvilket giver dem endnu en mulighed for at opfylde omsætningskravene. Dette gøres med den hensigt at vise vores empati og engagement for at sikre spillertilfredshed.
Vi mener, at denne handling demonstrerer vores dedikation til fair play og vores ønske om at skabe en brugervenlig oplevelse, selv når der opstår utilsigtede fejl. Det er dog vigtigt at bemærke, at denne beslutning er endelig, og vi kan ikke genoprette den tidligere tabte bonus eller gevinster.
Vi håber, at dette løser problemet retfærdigt og gennemsigtigt.
Venlig hilsen,
CashWin Support Team
Dear Branislav,
We appreciate the opportunity to clarify the situation. As per our terms and conditions:
Section 23.6: A player can cancel an active bonus at any time through the Profile section or by contacting us via Live Chat or email. Upon cancellation, the entire bonus balance, including any winnings accumulated during the bonus period, is automatically voided.
Section 23.17: If a player requests a withdrawal before meeting the wagering requirements, both the bonus and the associated winnings are voided, and only the remaining real funds, if any, will be paid to the player.
Specific Details of the Player's Case:
The player was required to meet a wagering requirement of 35x the deposit + bonus (in this case, a deposit of €392.84), meaning a total of €27,498.80 had to be wagered to release the bonus.
The player managed to wager €9,462.00, which represents 34.40% of the required wagering completion. At the time of cancellation, the player only had bonus funds left in their account, and as such, when the bonus was canceled, the system automatically deducted the remaining bonus balance of €1,749.38. Since the player had exhausted all real funds before this, a refund of the deposit is not possible as the player had already played using bonus funds only.
While the player claims they did not intentionally cancel the bonus, the process requires confirmation from the player's account, and the bonus was indeed canceled as per our system records. We understand, however, that mistakes can happen, and we always aim to provide a positive gaming experience for our players.
As a goodwill gesture, we have decided to reissue the bonus of €392.84, allowing them another opportunity to meet the wagering requirements. This is done with the intent of showing our empathy and commitment to ensuring player satisfaction.
We believe this action demonstrates our dedication to fair play and our desire to create a user-friendly experience, even when unintentional mistakes occur. However, it is important to note that this decision is final, and we cannot restore the previously lost bonus or winnings.
We hope this resolves the issue fairly and transparently.
Best regards,
CashWin Support Team
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