Jeg blev fuldstændig konfiskeret, fordi jeg var mistænkt for at bruge et modsat væddemål i live Baccarat
Jeg brugte en 200% bonus op til $750 på dette casino, jeg har brugt flere gange før
$375 indbetaling ➕ $750 bonus $1125 i alt
Jeg spillede live Baccarat af Pragmatic Play med $1125
Første gang var på Baccarat uden gebyr
Jeg gik all in på bankmanden
$1125 ✖️ 2 gange $2250
Anden gang var på Baccarat med et gebyr
Jeg gik all in på bankmanden igen
$2250 ✖️ 1,95 gange 🟰 $4387,5
Tredje gang var også på Baccarat med et gebyr
Gik all in på bankmanden igen
$4387,5 ✖️ 1,95 gange 🟰 $8555,625
Så, efter at jeg bad supporten om en detaljeret forklaring af vilkårene for brug for at fordøje væddemålstilstanden i slots, og fik svaret, bad jeg tilbagetrækningsafdelingen om at bekræfte "Er det virkelig okay?" og ventede i en uge,
Jeg modtog en e-mail om, at jeg var mistænkt for at lave et modsat væddemål i live Baccarat og blev konfiskeret
Jeg har bekræftet, at det at gå all in med bonussen er "intet problem" før spillet!
Jeg har også beviserne
Jeg vil have fuld tilbagebetaling af gevinsten
Jeg har alle beviserne!!!! 💢💢
Jeg har vedholdende bedt om bekræftelse af brugsbetingelserne flere gange før stykket😤😤
I was completely confiscated because I was suspected of using an opposite bet in live Baccarat
I used a 200% bonus up to $750 at this casino I've used several times before
$375 deposit ➕ $750 bonus 🟰 $1125 total
I played live Baccarat by Pragmatic Play with $1125
The first time was at Baccarat without a fee
I went all in on the banker
$1125 ✖️ 2 times 🟰 $2250
The second time was at Baccarat with a fee
I went all in on the banker again
$2250 ✖️ 1.95 times 🟰 $4387.5
The third time was also at Baccarat with a fee
Went all in on the banker again
$4387.5 ✖️ 1.95 times 🟰 $8555.625
Then, after I asked the support for a detailed explanation of the terms of use in order to digest the betting condition in slots, and got the answer, I asked the withdrawal department to confirm "Is it really okay?" and waited for a week,
I received an email stating that I was suspected of making an opposite bet in live Baccarat and was confiscated
I have confirmed that going all in with the bonus is "no problem" before the play!
I also have the evidence
I want a full refund of the winnings
I have all the evidence!!!! 💢💢
I have persistently asked for the confirmation of the terms of use several times before the play😤😤
1125ドルでpragmatic playのライブバカラをプレイした
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