Jeg indsatte penge via coins.game den 2. DECEMBER. Dette blev dog ikke krediteret på grund af en fejl i coins.game betalingssystemet. Pengene er ankommet til min spillerpung.
Jeg prøvede at kontakte support, men de kunne ikke hjælpe mig.
Hvad skete der?
Den 2. december klikkede jeg på depositum på coins.game og derefter på buy crypto.
Jeg valgte banxa via changelly-gatewayen til coins.game og betalte med mit kreditkort.
Banxa modtog pengene, og mønterne blev sendt til min spiladresse (0xeC86DFA911E4FFA98bCC3A3F3F4F1b8d8B5f19C0) . Changelly udfylder automatisk min spil ETH-adresse. Jeg har ingen mulighed for at ændre dette.
Men nu har Changelly (banxa) sendt pengene til wallet-adressen, men deres nye metode (https://banxa.com/batch-ether-and-erc-20-transfer-method/)
Nu sender de flere transaktioner i én og sparer sandsynligvis gebyrer.
Pengene er ankommet til min player wallet-adresse og har været der siden 2. december. Men det sker ikke. Vedlagt sender jeg dig bevis skærmbilleder.
Hvis du vil gøre dig selv forlegen med dine egne penge, er du kommet til det rigtige sted.
I deposited money via coins.game on 2 DECEMBER. However, this was not credited due to an error in the coins.game payment system. The money has arrived on my player wallet.
I tried to contact support but they could not help me.
What happened?
On December 2nd I clicked on deposit on coins.game and then on buy crypto.
I selected banxa via the changelly gateway of coins.game and paid with my credit card.
Banxa received the money and the coins were sent to my game address (0xeC86DFA911E4FFA98bCC3A3F3F4F1b8d8B5f19C0) . Changelly automatically fills in my game ETH address. I have no possibility to change this.
But now Changelly (banxa) has sent the money to the wallet address but their new method (https://banxa.com/batch-ether-and-erc-20-transfer-method/)
Now they send multiple transactions in one and probably save fees.
The money has arrived on my player wallet address and has been there since December 2nd. But it does not happen. Enclosed I send you proof screenshots.
If you want to embarrass yourself with your own money, you've come to the right place.
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