Hej wrongerstun,
Jeg hedder Michal, og jeg har overtaget din klage. Selvom jeg forstår din pointe, og jeg kan være enig med dig i, at ethvert casino ideelt set bør have en funktion implementeret for ikke at tillade spillere fra et ikke-godkendt land at registrere og indbetale penge, eller hvor visse lokale regler begrænser dette. Vi advokerer for dette, desværre er dette endnu ikke blevet en industristandard. Derfor er det faktisk spillerens ansvar at sørge for at læse vilkår og betingelser. Jeg har fundet dette i kasinoets vilkår og betingelser

En fair tilgang fra casinoet ville dog være at returnere i det mindste dine indskud.
Jeg vil kontakte casinoet for at se, om jeg kan hjælpe.
Vi vil gerne invitere Coins.Game Casino til at deltage i samtalen.
Kære Coins.Game Casino,
Selvom jeg er enig i, at spillere bør læse vilkår og betingelser, før de åbner deres konto for at undgå situationer som denne, må jeg dog nævne, at dit casino er let tilgængeligt fra en britisk IP, så der er ingen IP-blokering, UK-telefonnummer er tilladt at komme ind, intet land i registrering nødvendig, indbetaling muligt uden at udfylde spillerprofilen, hvilket er forvirrende for spillerne, og det skaber en situation, hvor spillerne kan tabe penge, men ikke er i stand til at få noget.
Hvorfor blev spillerens konto ikke lukket, når de havde givet deres bopælsoplysninger, eller hvorfor var spilleren i stand til at indbetale, da de åbnede deres konto fra et forbudt land og indbetalte fra en britisk bank?
Vi forventer, at kasinoer har foranstaltninger på plads for at forhindre situationer som denne.
Jeg forstår, at spilleren muligvis ikke er berettiget til gevinsterne, men en rimelig løsning på denne situation ville være at returnere indbetalingen tilbage til spilleren. Kan du venligst overveje denne mulighed?
Hello wrongerstun,
I'm Michal, and I have taken over your complaint. Although I understand your point and I can agree with you that ideally, every casino should have a feature implemented to not allow players from a non-allowed country to register and deposit money, or where certain local regulations limit this. We are advocating for this, unfortunately, this has not yet become an industry standard. That's why it is indeed the player's responsibility to make sure to read the terms and conditions. I have found this in the casino T&Cs

However, a fair approach from the casino would be to return at least your deposits.
I will contact the casino to see if I can help.
We would like to invite Coins.Game Casino to join the conversation.
Dear Coins.Game Casino,
Although I can agree that players should read the terms and conditions before they open their account to avoid situations like this, however, I have to mention that your casino is easily accessible from a UK IP, so there is no IP block, UK phone number is allowed to be entered, no country in registration needed, depositing possible without filling out the player profile which is confusing for the players and it creates a situation when the players can lose money but are not able to get anything.
Why was the player's account not closed once they provided their residency details, or why was the player able to deposit when they opened their account from a prohibited country and deposited from a UK bank?
We expect casinos to have measures in place to prevent situations like this.
I understand the player might not be entitled to the winnings, however, a fair resolution to this situation would be to return the deposit back to the player. Can you please consider this option?
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