Tak, fordi du har givet mig beviserne for Cool Cat Casino- repræsentanten.
rabkerr78 , kasinoet har præsenteret os for beviser, der indikerer eksistensen af flere konti forbundet med dig. Det er en branchestandard, at hver enkelt person kun må åbne én konto i deres navn. Denne regel er tydeligt beskrevet i casinoets vilkår og betingelser. I betragtning af, at denne politik er blevet overtrådt, finder vi, at de handlinger, som kasinoet har truffet, er berettigede. Som følge heraf beklager vi at meddele dig, at vi skal afvise din klage.
Vi sætter pris på din forståelse og tak for dit samarbejde.
Venlig hilsen,
Thank you for providing me with the evidence Cool Cat Casino representative.
rabkerr78, the casino has presented us with evidence indicating the existence of multiple accounts associated with you. It is an industry standard that each individual is permitted to open only one account in their name. This rule is clearly outlined in the casino’s terms and conditions. Given that this policy has been violated, we find the actions taken by the casino to be justified. As a result, we regret to inform you that we must reject your complaint.
We appreciate your understanding and thank you for your cooperation.
Kind regards,
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