Kære konovazena4,
Mange tak for din indgivelse af denne klage. Jeg er virkelig ked af at høre om dit problem.
Husk, at casinoet tydeligt angiver minimumsindbetalingsbeløbet for hver valuta i din profil:

Det er vigtigt at bemærke, at hvis dit indskudte beløb var under det krævede minimumsbeløb, som vi vil referere til som 150 DOG, vil vi ikke være i stand til at hjælpe dig. I sådanne tilfælde er casinoet ikke i stand til at returnere dit indskud, da de aldrig har modtaget det. Desuden, da kryptovalutaer ikke kan spores, er det næsten umuligt at finde pengene.
For at undgå problemer, bør spillere altid være opmærksomme på minimumskravene til indbetalinger for det casino, de bruger, og sikre, at deres indskud opfylder eller overstiger disse krav. Det er også vigtigt at gennemgå casinoets vilkår og betingelser og forstå deres politikker vedrørende gebyrer og indbetalinger for at undgå potentielle konsekvenser af ikke at opfylde minimumsindbetalingsbeløbet.
Lad mig venligst vide, hvis der er andet, vi kan hjælpe dig med.
Med venlig hilsen
Dear konovazena4,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I'm really sorry to hear about your issue.
Please keep in mind that the casino clearly states the minimum deposit amount for each currency in your profile:

It's important to note that if your deposited amount was below the minimum required amount, which we'll refer to as 150 DOG, we won't be able to assist you. In such cases, the casino is unable to return your deposit since they never received it. Besides, since cryptocurrencies are untraceable, finding the money is nearly impossible.
To avoid any problems, players should always be mindful of the minimum deposit requirements of the casino they're using and ensure their deposits meet or exceed these requirements. It's also essential to go through the casino's terms and conditions and understand their policies concerning fees and deposits to avoid any potential consequences of not meeting the minimum deposit amount.
Please let me know if there is anything else we can help you with.
Best regards
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