Tak for dit svar og de oplyste oplysninger.
I de samtaler, du gav os, identificerede vi ikke noget, der ville give os mulighed for at forfølge denne klage yderligere og udnytte vores position som mægler. Da vi ikke kan foretage os yderligere, vil denne klage blive lukket.
Tak for din forståelse, jeg beklager, at vi ikke kunne være til mere hjælp ved denne lejlighed. Selvom vi ikke var i stand til at hjælpe, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os, hvis du støder på problemer med et online casino i fremtiden.
Thanks for your reply and provided information.
In the conversations you provided us we didn't identify anything that would allow us to pursue this complaint further and leverage our position as a mediator. Since we can't take any further action this complaint will be closed.
Thank you for your understanding, I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion. Even though we weren't able to help, please do not hesitate to contact us if you run into issues with any online casino in the future.
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