Kære Mesh,
Mange tak for din indgivelse af denne klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om det problem, du står over for. For at hjælpe med at afklare din situation vil jeg gerne stille et par spørgsmål:
- Har du spillet bordspil med dit indskud? Kan du venligst specificere alle de spil, du har spillet?
- Kan du give et skærmbillede af din bonushistorik for at bekræfte, at du ikke har spillet med en bonus? Bemærk venligst, at reglen vedrørende udbetalingsloftet på bordspil findes i bonusbetingelserne.
- Venligst videresend mig enhver kommunikation, du har haft med casinoets kundesupport vedrørende konfiskation af dine gevinster. Du kan sende disse oplysninger til veronika.f@casino.guru , eller alternativt, post skærmbillederne her.
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. Ser frem til dit svar.
Venlig hilsen,
På grund af den øgede mængde af klager i løbet af denne tid af året, beder vi venligst om din tålmodighed, mens vi afventer vores svar. Vi tilstræber at offentliggøre hver klage inden for 48 timer efter indsendelsen, men reserverer op til 7 dage til at besvare eventuelle efterfølgende kommentarer. Derudover skal du være opmærksom på, at det kan tage lidt længere tid, før din klage bliver tildelt en resolver, da vi i øjeblikket håndterer over 900 klager.
Din forståelse er meget værdsat. Vi ønsker dig en dejlig ferie, og vi vender tilbage hurtigst muligt.
Dear Mesh,
Thank you very much for submitting this complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re facing. To help clarify your situation, I’d like to ask a few questions:
- Have you played any table games with your deposit? Could you kindly specify all the games you played?
- Could you provide a screenshot of your bonus history to confirm that you have not played with a bonus? Please note that the rule regarding the withdrawal cap on table games is found in the bonus terms and conditions.
- Please forward me any communication you’ve had with the casino's customer support regarding the confiscation of your winnings. You can send these details to veronika.f@casino.guru, or alternatively, post the screenshots here.
I hope we will be able to help you resolve this issue as soon as possible. Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Due to the increased volume of complaints during this time of year, we kindly request your patience while awaiting our responses. We aim to publish each complaint within 48 hours of submission but reserve up to 7 days to reply to any subsequent comments. Additionally, please be aware that it might take a bit longer for your complaint to be assigned to a resolver, as we are currently managing over 900 complaints.
Your understanding is greatly appreciated. Wishing you a delightful holiday season, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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