Damer og herre,
jeg tilmeldte mig fastpay casino side gennem deres guru casino side for et par dage siden uden problemer eller afvisning ved registrering, og jeg spillede i morges, jeg fik en stor gevinst, jeg prøvede at bekræfte dengang, men så i morges fik jeg en. Modtog en e-mail, at jeg har en dobbeltkonto hos Fastpay Casino med en e-mailadresse, som jeg ikke kender, fordi min e-mailadresse er D****@hotmail.de. Jeg blev informeret om, at mine indskud (€4000) vil blive udbetalt til mig, og overskuddet er helt væk. Jeg er ikke klar over nogen skyld.
Vedlagt sender jeg dig mailen fra kasinoet:
Vi beklager at kunne meddele dig, at vi under processen med at bekræfte din konto opdagede eksistensen af en dubletkonto. I henhold til punkt 3.2 i vores casinos vilkår og betingelser skal vi lukke din konto.
3.2 Kun én konto i Fastpay casino kan åbnes af én person, én IP-adresse, én fysisk adresse, én enhed, én betalingspung eller bankkortejer. Overtrædelse af denne regel vil føre til spærring af kontoen og konfiskation af aktiv saldo.
Dine gevinster skal desværre konfiskeres i henhold til vores regler. Vi vil dog returnere de 4000 eur af dit depositum til dig. Inden da, bedes du give os et detaljeret skærmbillede af den sidste indbetaling, der blev foretaget til os, hvor dit navn, IBAN, indbetaling vil være synligt: https://fastpay-access.com/profile/general/verification. Derefter bedes du anmode om en udbetaling via bankoverførselsmetode (til samme bankkonto). Når dette er fuldført, lukkes din konto.
Vi beder dig venligst undlade at oprette nye konti i vores casino. Tak for dit samarbejde. Vi beklager ulejligheden.
Med venlig hilsen,
Kasino med hurtig betaling.
Kære Guru Team, vær venlig at hjælpe mig med at løse dette så hurtigt som muligt og få mine penge tilbage, tak!
Med venlig hilsen
Daniel ****
Ladies and Gentlemen,
i signed up to fastpay casino site through their guru casino site a few days ago with no problems or rejection on registration and i played this morning i got a big win i tried to verify then but then this morning i got one Received an email that I have a double account at Fastpay Casino with an email address that I do not know because my email address is D****@hotmail.de I was informed that my deposits (€4000) will be paid out to me and the profit is completely gone . I am not aware of any guilt.
Enclosed I send you the mail from the casino:
We regret to inform you that during the process of verifying your account, we discovered the existence of a duplicate account. As per point 3.2 of our casino's Terms and Conditions, we must close your account.
3.2 Only one account in Fastpay casino can be opened by one person, one IP address, one physical address, one device, one payment wallet or bank card owner. The violation of this rule will lead to the blocking of the account and confiscation of active balance.
Unfortunately, your winnings must be confiscated in accordance with our rules. However, we will return the 4000 eur of your deposit to you. Before that, please, provide us with detailed screenshot of the last deposit which was made to us, where your name, IBAN, deposit will be visible: https://fastpay-access.com/profile/general/verification. Then, please request a withdrawal via bank transfer method (to the same bank account). Once this is complete, your account will be closed.
We kindly ask that you refrain from creating new accounts in our casino. Thank you for your cooperation. We regret any inconvenience caused.
Best regards,
Fast pay casino .
Dear Guru Team, please help me to sort this out as soon as possible and get my money back, thank you!
Best regards
Daniel ****
Sehr Geehrte Damen und Herren,
ich habe mich vor einigen Tagen bei der Seite Fastpay Casino über ihre Seite Guru Casino angemeldet ohne Probleme oder Ablehnung bei der Registrierung und ich habe gespielt heute morgen habe ich einen große Gewinn bekommen ich habe mich daraufhin versucht zu verifizieren doch dann habe ich heute morgen eine Mail erhalten das ich ein doppeltes Konto bei Fastpay Casino besitze mit einer mir unbekannten Email Adresse denn meine Email Adresse lautet D****@hotmail.de Mir wurde mitgeteilt das meine Einzahlungen (4000€) mir ausgezahlt werden und der Gewinn komplett weg ist. Ich bin mir keiner schuld bewusst.
anbei schicke ich ihnen die Mail vom Casino:
We regret to inform you that during the process of verifying your account, we discovered the existence of a duplicate account. As per point 3.2 of our casino's Terms and Conditions, we must close your account.
3.2 Only one account in Fastpay casino can be opened per one person, one IP address, one physical address, one device, one payment wallet or bank card owner. The violation of this rule will lead to the blocking of the account and confiscation of active balance.
Unfortunately, your winnings must be confiscated in accordance with our rules. However, we will return the 4000 eur of your deposits to you. Before that, please, provide us with detailed screenshot of the last deposit which was made to us, where your name, IBAN, deposit will be visible: https://fastpay-access.com/profile/general/verification. Then, please request a withdrawal via bank transfer method (to the same bank account). Once this is complete, your account will be closed.
We kindly ask that you refrain from creating new accounts in our casino. Thank you for your cooperation. We regret any inconvenience caused.
Best regards,
Fastpay casino .
Liebes Guru Team bitte helfen sie mir das so schnell wie möglich zu klären und mein Geld wieder zu bekommen Danke!
liebe Grüße
Daniel ****
Redigeret af en Casino Guru admin
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