Kære hassanmmian,
Mange tak for din klage. Jeg er ked af at høre om de problemer, du oplever med onlinekasinoet, specifikt vedrørende forbuddet og blokeringen af dine loyalitetspoint.
For bedre at forstå og hjælpe dig med din klage, kan du give os mere detaljerede oplysninger om følgende punkter:
- Kan du angive datoen, hvor du blev udelukket fra kasinoet, og hvornår dine loyalitetspoint blev blokeret?
- Fik du givet nogen grund af casinoet til forbuddet og blokeringen af dine loyalitetspoint? Hvis ja, hvad var årsagen?
- Har du kontaktet casinoets kundesupport vedrørende dette problem? Hvis ja, hvad var deres svar?
- Har du relevant kommunikation eller dokumentation, som du kan dele med os, såsom e-mails eller skærmbilleder af samtaler med casinoets supportteam? Min e-mail adresse er petronela.k@casino.guru .
Jeg håber, vi vil være i stand til at hjælpe dig med at løse dette problem så hurtigt som muligt. På forhånd tak for dit svar.
Med venlig hilsen,
Dear hassanmmian,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about the issues you’re experiencing with the online casino, specifically regarding the ban and the blockage of your loyalty points.
To better understand and assist you with your complaint, could you please provide us with more detailed information on the following points:
- Can you specify the date when you were banned from the casino and when your loyalty points were blocked?
- Were you given any reason by the casino for the ban and the blockage of your loyalty points? If so, what was the reason provided?
- Have you contacted the casino’s customer support regarding this issue? If yes, what was their response?
- Do you have any relevant communication or evidence that you can share with us, such as emails or screenshots of conversations with the casino’s support team? My email address is petronela.k@casino.guru.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
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