ForumAndre casinospilBalvinder sambhi bryder roulettehjulsbogen

Balvinder sambhi bryder roulettehjulsbogen (side 3)

6 måneder siden af Kareva7
5458 visninger 68 svar |
12 3 4
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5 måneder siden

You repeatedly promote the book, completely ignoring the facts presented to you. Now you've come up with a win of $1 for each spin with a bankroll of $350. Do you not remember the illustrations you posted in previous messages? Allow me to remind you. Here they are:


As you can see, I highlighted in red the profit from winnings for the initial bets in your progression. They range from 30 pence (bets in your scheme in British pounds) to 80 pence. At today's exchange rates, this amounts to 37 cents to 1 US dollar. And not always 1 US dollar, you know.

I've already demonstrated above that with the approach to bets you've indicated, you will inevitably lose. According to your own scheme, your loss would be £222 or £863 (I circled the total bankroll in blue). Returning this loss with winnings of 30-80 pence will likely take you several months, assuming fate is favorable to you, and you don't lose another £222 or £863.

What $350 bankroll are you mentioning when none of the options you provided contains such amounts, even when converting pounds to dollars? You're inventing something new as the discussion progresses. Ok, even if you have $350, you'll just loose it.

Your advertising is aimed at novice players who know little about roulette, and I presume they would willingly believe the fictions you're telling.

5 måneder siden

Yes, now I see that my reply has been published. Thank you for that.

I wonder why your software doesn't pay as much attention to the messages from Kareva7, who's using this discussion solely for book promotion purposes, as it does to my messages? 🙂

Just look through her messages and count phrases "Balvinder sambhi", "2 corner system", "book Breaking the Roulette wheel" and try to find any other useful plot in those messages. It's plain as a piece of cake. 🙂

5 måneder siden

That's good you spotted this. You're right about the book, but as far as it's in the right thread (about roulette) and no links included...Yeah, we're quite hesitant when if comes to deleting user's posts.

5 måneder siden

So, according to your explanation, if I, say, mention anything on YouTube without posting a link to it, it will be OK? I mean, if I say something like: 'Hey, guys, just look for 'some product name' on YouTube or Google to learn more about some roulette strategy!' — that will do?

Well, my experience in discussions here tells me I'll have some problems with that. 🙂

OK, I'm just kidding. 🙂 Let her promote the book since other people can share their thoughts about it, to keep newbies safe.

5 måneder siden

You repeatedly promote the book, completely ignoring the facts presented to you. Now you've come up with a win of $1 for each spin with a bankroll of $350. Do you not remember the illustrations you posted in previous messages? Allow me to remind you. Here they are:


As you can see, I highlighted in red the profit from winnings for the initial bets in your progression. They range from 30 pence (bets in your scheme in British pounds) to 80 pence. At today's exchange rates, this amounts to 37 cents to 1 US dollar. And not always 1 US dollar, you know.

I've already demonstrated above that with the approach to bets you've indicated, you will inevitably lose. According to your own scheme, your loss would be £222 or £863 (I circled the total bankroll in blue). Returning this loss with winnings of 30-80 pence will likely take you several months, assuming fate is favorable to you, and you don't lose another £222 or £863.

What $350 bankroll are you mentioning when none of the options you provided contains such amounts, even when converting pounds to dollars? You're inventing something new as the discussion progresses. Ok, even if you have $350, you'll just loose it.

Your advertising is aimed at novice players who know little about roulette, and I presume they would willingly believe the fictions you're telling.

5 måneder siden

Allo4ka I have posted 2 free winings systems at no cost. You have post 0 winnings systems.

Please post a no lose winning system and we can all check and see. I will be waiting for you post. Lets see.

5 måneder siden

Allo4ka I have posted 2 free winings systems at no cost. You have post 0 winnings systems.

Please post a no lose winning system and we can all check and see. I will be waiting for you post. Lets see.

5 måneder siden

Firstly, what two systems are you talking about? You wrote about one system concerning bets on 2 corners. The fact that different progressions and entry expectations are used there doesn't make this one game system two different ones.

Secondly, what you have posted is not a winning system. It doesn't work in the long run. I confirmed this with real examples on real roulette tables in various online casinos, showing that bets according to the system you specified would often exceed the limits set by your system.

Thirdly, as I mentioned before, your proposed strategy is not a system for continuous play in the long run, as you claim. It suggests waiting for a favorable situation, entering the game, winning, and waiting for the next entry into the game. This approach is not a strategy for the long run, as you assert.

Finally, I don't recall ever saying that I have any winning systems for you to demand that I publish them. I have various tactics that I mentioned in various topics on this forum, tactics that help win on one table for a short period. But any 'universal foolproof systems' — leave those tales for inexperienced users.

Here are a few tactics off the top of my head for short-term play:

  • Wait for the non-appearance of any category of even chances for a long time (for example, 20-21 misses on red) and bet on this category using the Martingale progression until you win, then stop and wait again;
  • Wait for the non-appearance of any dozen or column for a long time (for example, 25-28 misses in the first dozen) and bet on this category using the Fibonacci progression until you win, then stop and wait again;
  • Wait for consecutive hits of any one dozen or column for a long time (for example, 10-12 hits in the first column) and then bet on the other two, increasing the bet by 4 four times after each loss until you win, then stop and wait again;
  • Wait until the number of hits in any dozen or column in the last 50 spins is less than 8% (for example, 2 dozen hits in the last 50 spins occurred in only 6% of cases), then bet on that dozen using the Fibonacci progression until you win, then stop and wait again…

There are dozens of examples like these; I won't list them all. Each of them provides an opportunity to win in a very short distance in 1-5 spins. The situations I described occur on gaming tables all the time, allowing you to finish the game on one table and almost immediately go to another table and win there. If you are monitoring a sufficiently large number of tables simultaneously, as I do, for example.

5 måneder siden

Free no lose 1 repeat corner betting system

There are 23 corner sets below


0  1   2  3

1  2   4  5

2  3   5  6

4  5   7  8

5  6   8  9

7  8  10 11

8  9  11 12

10 11 13 16

11 12 14 15

13 14 16 17

14 15 17 18

16 17 19 20

17 18 20 21

19 20 22 23

20 21 23 24

22 23 25 26

23 24 26 27

25 26 28 29

26 27 29 30

28 29 31 32

29 30 32 33

31 32 34 35

32 33 35 36


Each corner has its own count. I will use 8 9 11 12 corner for this example but you need to track all corners at the same time to track all corners.


This is a cycle system. This means when a number appears example 8 9 11 12, does a 8 9 11 12 the next direct spin appear? No count 1 then we wait for another 8 9 11 12 to appear. Yes then we reset back to 0 count.


1. Track all 23 possible corner sets simultaneously.

2. Any corner set must appear 65 times BEFORE you even start to bet.

3. After the 65th appearance that set is qualified and then you start to bet. You bet for one spin only. Now:

a) you hit -> it's over. Look/wait for another corner set qualification and start a new game.

b) you missed -> you wait for that very corner to appear again and repeat your bet again, for one spin only.

4. You can have up to 25 such 'attack attempts', using the progression Kareva7 provided above. The goal is to catch an immediate repeat.



betting chart on 1 corner


 66  1  

 67  1  

 68  1  

 69  1  

 70  1  

 71  2  

 72  2  

 73  2  

 74  3  

 75  3  

 76  4  

 77  4  

 78  5  

 79  5  

 80  6  

 81  6  

 82  7  

 83  8  

 84  9  

 85  10  

 86  12  

 87  15  

 88  15  

 89  18  

 90  20  

5 måneder siden

Hr. KAREVA7 .... tak

Mig, Zoran og fru Allo4ka er top roulette kendere.

Opfind ikke varmt vand for os.

Fortæl den historie til uerfarne nye spillere.

Kan du for en gangs skyld forstå!!!


hvad lavede du i hjørne 8...9...11...12. ???

Det er præcis den samme vinkel som enhver roulettevinkel, 1,2,4,5...13,14,16,17...28,29,31,32. DET ER DET SAMME.

Kan din hjerne finde ud af det?

Enhver professionel, erfaren roulettespiller ønsker ikke at tale om et system. Hver erfaren roulettespiller har sin egen individuelle taktik. Og alt er baseret på, at der kan skabes overskud på kort sigt. Og hvilken taktik der vil blive anvendt afhænger af den aktuelle situation på bordet, hvor vi spiller i det øjeblik.

Online roulette (auto roulette) fungerer på RNG-systemet. ( RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR) og et sådant system har visse perioder, når det kaster blandede sektorer... når det kaster de samme sektorer... når en bestemt sektor kommer ud under procentdelen og mange flere muligheder.

Jeg ved, hvordan man genkender de øjeblikke og bygger det nuværende spil på den observation. Jeg bliver så kort som muligt på den roulette. Jeg tjener penge og forlader den roulette.

Du er mere kedelig med dit system for helt nybegyndere. Du kom her for at annoncere for en bog, der har 1 anmeldelse, xaxaxa.


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5 måneder siden

Og jeg vil ikke længere gå i dialog med KAREVA7, fordi det er langt under mit niveau.

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5 måneder siden

Jedna od mojih pobeda. I poruči tom Belvinderu da ima jedan bolji igrač od njega. A to sam Ja

Indlæg af zorans71 Redigeret af Jaro
Årsag: Video not working
5 måneder siden

Lad mig forklare det forrige spil. Som jeg gættede nummer 4, så 2.

Jeg fulgte rouletten. I de sidste 100 kast fungerede sektoren fra 32 til 36 meget dårligt. Nummer 2 og 4 slet ikke. Da 19 faldt, placerede jeg simpelthen hovedindsatsen på 2 og 4. Det kunne være faldet på 21..eller oper 19..eller 15, men det hele er et spørgsmål om sandsynlighed.

Jeg har sagt mere end én gang: JEG ANERKENDER IKKE LYKKEFAKTOREN. Det er bare et ord (lykke).

Og det faldt 4, så 2. Det skete. Ok..lad os komme videre. Orfanell faldt også dårligt. Jeg starter baseret på analysen af de tidligere kast for at favorisere sektoren med nul spin og fortsætter mod nummer 17. Jeg udelod den lille serie, fordi den faldt i den foregående periode, og med disse autorouletter er der en regel om, at når en serie har mange fald skal det også stoppe.

Du lagde mærke til det. De bedste tal, der gav ham et plus efter 2 og 4, var de forældreløse børn....6...1...og til sidst 17, som gav det sidste plus. Også gentagelsen af tallet 35 var logisk, fordi sektornul-dækket ikke gentog sig selv

(det kom ikke ud 2 X i træk mange kast.) Og logisk set boostede jeg det. Og det skete (den der lov om sandsynlighed igen) 😉

Efter det vindende nummer 17 og en udbetaling på omkring rsd 53.000 (€450) spillede jeg spillet igen for at honorere skuddet. Sådan gør man altid. For at være ærlig havde jeg forventet en lille serie, men nummer 32 faldt. Det ville have en lille udbetaling. Min skyld, fordi der var et koncentrationsfald. Jeg burde have spillet det bedre.

Endelig balance. Første indbetaling RSDC 3.300 (€25)...

............................ output RSD 97.000 (€800)

Og husk den gyldne regel:

Lad ikke roulette holde dig i spillet i mere end max 30 minutter.

For så slapper koncentrationen af og hjernen trækker dig længere ind i spillet, er der en lille afhængighed og lysten til at få mere. Og det er fejlen hos 98 % af spillerne. DER ER FORDELEN VED ROULETTE. Og ikke i matematik.

Matematik er kun på roulette-siden på papiret, I PRAKSIS ER DET IKKE!

Hun er på spillerens side på kort sigt.

Så..bliv ikke længe på roulette...!

Gå ud og kom tilbage efter 2 timer, når hjernen er tilbage på nul igen.

Redigeret af forfatter 5 måneder siden
Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

So, according to your explanation, if I, say, mention anything on YouTube without posting a link to it, it will be OK? I mean, if I say something like: 'Hey, guys, just look for 'some product name' on YouTube or Google to learn more about some roulette strategy!' — that will do?

Well, my experience in discussions here tells me I'll have some problems with that. 🙂

OK, I'm just kidding. 🙂 Let her promote the book since other people can share their thoughts about it, to keep newbies safe.

5 måneder siden

I think it has already been explained how it works on this forum and Daniel also stated how it is. Hehe, but I noticed that you also wrote that you were joking, so I take it you already know the rules, because they were communicated with you. 🙂

Anyway, of course everyone can make a personal opinion who understands the roulette topic. 

5 måneder siden

JARO..hvorfor virker videoen ikke. Det virker for mig

Redigeret af forfatter 5 måneder siden
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5 måneder siden

For me it said it was private and the only place I could get to was the main youtube page.

5 måneder siden

Så er der noget at justere.. Jeg kigger lige

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5 måneder siden

Virker videoen?

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5 måneder siden

zorans71- YES I am funny and I win. You play but lose. this why you will not post a winning system for to see and check. I have posted two free systems. Players can check they win every time. This is winning not losing with your losing tactics.

Every gambler say I am winner, where is your proof? there is no proof, No confirmations your a a long term winner. No articles, No books, Just talk with losses. I have not been playing roulette for 30 years but all I see is losers everywhere.

The only way to confirm winning or losing is post your system with exact conditions. we all test, then see results. Balvinder winning, zorans71 losing confirmed.

5 måneder siden

Er du skør?

Hvilket vindersystem skal vi sætte op.

Nå, der er INTET vindersystem. Det er derfor, vi ikke poster det.

F**k dig BELVINDER. farvel

Indlæg af zorans71 Redigeret af Radka
Årsag: Stødende sprogbrug
Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

You haven't provided a single piece of evidence that you win with any of your systems. Just words. I've shown you with real data from real casinos that it doesn't work. But you continue to prove something without any facts.

Your promotion won't work anymore: any user who starts reading this discussion will see that behind your words and your system, there is nothing but loss. It's unlikely that anyone will buy your book after this. Look for success somewhere else.

I've written to you about the conditions under which your system with 2 corners can work successfully, but it seems you don't care about that. You need to sell the book. 😂

5 måneder siden

Lad ham gå. Lad være med at skændes. Det skriver han med vilje.

Narre. Når vi ikke korresponderer med ham, går han.

Automatisk oversættelse:
5 måneder siden

Virker videoen?

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5 måneder siden

Works for me!

12 3 4

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