HjemForumCasinoer20Bet Casino – generel debat

20Bet Casino – generel debat (side 9)

 af Justo
42.913 visninger 182 svar |
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I just moved your other post here so we don't miss out on each other's response.

Sounds like it has been only a couple of day, counting the weekend, I'd say it needs a few more working days. 🤷‍♀️

Never spent more than hundred euro on this website They will freeze your games when you are winning they will blocked you you can’t login when you have a good day , I have 100 videos of one game have I played with them anyone is interested in I am on stream life every night five different website they play this is the worst one I ever see never hit a big and I play Big


If you feel that our complaint team could be of any help here and you have some proof of the activities you describe, do not hesitate to let us know, please. We are always glad to help.

Only the manager there is a good man Meti his name is Callum he will help you to start their customer support it’s horrible


I'm sorry if it's really like that, support is very important in casinos and they are one of the first things that have to leave a good impression. 

If you have any problems about the casino taking your money unfairly or anything like that, you can contact us and we will try to help, as Romi announced. 

However, I would say that if you don't have any money here, it's not worth depositing with your experience. 😥


Jeg præsenterer min sag:

I søndags indsatte jeg 3000 euro og de trak dem i min bank med det samme, det vil sige, at indkomsten tages fra dig med det samme, men problemet kommer med hævningerne, det viste sig at jeg i søndags fik 5 kombinerede væddemål der tilsammen beløb sig til 24.000 euro Nå, jeg forsøger at hæve 20.000, og de fortæller mig, at udbetalingerne afventer, det er fredag, der er gået 5 dage, og de fortæller mig altid det samme, at mine udbetalinger bliver verificeret, jeg føler mig meget frustreret, og når Jeg har skrevet på internettet, at der er sket flere mennesker med ham... Jeg begyndte næsten at græde...

Jeg føler mig fortabt, og jeg ved ikke, hvad jeg kan gøre, eller hvem der kan hjælpe mig... Jeg er en meget aktiv bruger, jeg tjener hele tiden, men min overraskelse har været, at nu hvor jeg har modtaget penge, ser det ud til, at de er ignorerer mig...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello. I am really sorry about this delay of your withdrawal at this casino. Just please keep in mind that there is no need to spread the posts all over the forum.🙏

I saw your complaint where Tomas explained to you that we usually give casinos 14 full days to process the payment before we can intervene.

Is your account fully verified at this casino, and have you had any successful withdrawals there before?

Please let us know about any updates regarding this issue.

No worries at all, that's alright.

Sometimes there can be a delay with the payments, especially if the casino is overloaded with requests. Other times, they could even be understaffed. So please try to be more patient, and hopefully you will receive your withdrawal as you have received many others before, as you said.

Please keep us updated.

I do get your meaning here and just hope that everything will be solved soon. 🤞

Just let us know about any news, please.

Hej, godaften, jeg ville spørge, om nogen havde problemer med at hæve penge hos 20bet, jeg er fra Argentina.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello, I have moved your post under the casino and you can read what all the players went through here. I'm sure you won't be the only one. 

Anyway, what is the issue with your withdrawal, can you please tell me a bit more ? How long have you been waiting and do you have a verified casino account ? 

I am a player from China. It is my first time withdrawing money on 20bet and I was asked to verify various documents. I also cooperated with the submission and there were no problems. Now, I am not allowed to withdraw 2500 RMB. I have not made a profit yet, and my deposit is already that much. Now they are telling me to wait for the finance department to process it. They are asking how long it will take and there is no response. Is there anything I can do to help


Help me thanks

I have also encountered this situation where various authentication queues are waiting for processing

I am a player from China. It is my first time withdrawing money on 20bet and I was asked to verify various documents. I also cooperated with the submission and there were no problems. Now, I am not allowed to withdraw 2500 RMB. I have not made a profit yet, and my deposit is already that much. Now they are telling me to wait for the finance department to process it. They are asking how long it will take and there is no response. Is there anything I can do to help

Hello there!

I am glad you came here to ask for help and advice, but it can be difficult to tell when something is worth trying when we are missing important details. For that reason, I would like to ask you a few questions to help me understand the situation we are in.

Have you played any games thus far, or are you trying to take out the same amount of money that you deposited earlier, if that makes sense?

Is your account currently fully verified and does not require any further verification?

Please let me know when you submitted the withdrawal request and if you chose to use the same payment method as when you made the deposit.

I know this may sound extremely inquisitive, but I hope you understand that the more information we gather, the better recommendations we will be able to make.

Will be here.

Hej, jeg prøver at åbne en klage over dette casino, men det lykkes ikke. De betaler ikke, de beder altid om flere dokumenter, som de aldrig bliver færdige med. Hvordan åbner jeg en klage, dette casino er kun godt til at tabe, hvis du vil vinde, se efter et andet. Tak

Automatisk oversættelse:


can you provide a quick recap of what documents you have presented thus far, which were rejected, and for what reason? It's not like I want to intervene much, but we could definitely use more detail. Do not forget to mention since when you have been trying to withdraw the money, please. This is frankly quite imperative, as long as we allow casinos 14 full days to verify players. I imagine this is a difficult situation, yet as has been proven to us, - best resolved by cooperation.

Complaint instructions are at your disposal here 👈

If I may do whatever they ask and focus on getting the money out, there will be plenty of time for discussions with their support or feedback once I get paid.

How does that sound to you?


Hej, jeg har spillet på 20bet i et stykke tid. Jeg må sige, at jeg for 3 måneder siden vandt 20.000, og først gav de mig problemer. Jeg skulle sende billeder af mit kort og bankkonto, men i sidste ende betalte de mig alt, så siden er pålidelig.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, I'm very happy to hear that and congratulations on such a nice win. It occurs to me that it could be due to verification and therefore until you pass it all successfully, it is not possible to withdraw. But I see that you finally made it and everything turned out well. How long did it take you to withdraw everything ?

Hej, jeg har et problem med at trække præmien på 23.000kc tilbage, de bliver ved med at skrive det samme og intet svar, han sendte alle dokumenterne til verifikation og alligevel, kan nogen give mig et råd eller har du det samme problem eller indgive en klasse handling?

Automatisk oversættelse:
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