HjemForumCasinoer4Kasino Casino – generel debat

4Kasino Casino – generel debat

 af sundek95
3.786 visninger 13 svar |
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til 4Kasino Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Jeg vandt og sendte dokumenterne for at anmode om tilbagetrækningen. De bliver ved med at svare, at jeg skal sende det kort, jeg brugte til indbetalingen. Mit kort er et virtuelt kort oprettet og udstedt af banken, og jeg har sendt et dokument, der bekræfter dette kort (som viser navn og efternavn, kortnummer og udløbsdato. Men de bliver ved med at fortælle mig, at jeg skal sende dem et kort. Jeg er meget sikker på, at de ikke vil betale, og denne forsinkelse giver dem mulighed for at få mig til at afspille alt, hvad de vandt.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hello there,

I noticed that this one has a very bad reputation but I still think that passing the verification is worth some effort.

Can you make a print screen of the card by using something like "show card" so the casino can have this picture, I wonder? I have a virtual card as well, and if I go to my e-bank app and find the proper settings and make the card visible, I can see it even if it does not physically exist.

Can you ask the casino whether this is the point?


Automatisk oversættelse:


that's great! How did you manage that? 🙂

De skylder mig 114BRL i 5 dage (grænsen givet af dem er 3 dage til at foretage betalingerne), og de fortsætter med at bedrage mig. Jeg føler, at de er ondsindede, kan du hjælpe mig tak!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Would you kindly explain the problem? How do they deceive you? What is wrong?


Ja. Jeg vandt et væddemål, jeg placerede i sidste uge, og ifølge deres hjemmeside behandles betalinger inden for 3 hverdage.

Jeg talte med support, og de fortalte mig, at jeg skal vente lidt længere, da min anmodning om udbetaling allerede er blevet behandlet, og de venter på, at økonomiafdelingen frigiver mine penge. Jeg er dog stærkt mistanke om, at jeg bliver snydt.

Udbetalingsanmodningen blev anmodet om den sidste dag 07/07/2023, og det er et ubetydeligt beløb for kasinoer. Min e-mail er rfsd248@yahoo.com, han er registreret hos kasinoet.


Automatisk oversættelse:

I see, so the withdrawal is delayed, and you are suspicious. Does not sound much like a deception at this point.

I know it sucks when payment is due, but honestly, do you think the casino would make such efforts to spare 114 R$? I don't for instance. Try to calm down a bit.

The most important part is, have you ever withdrawn before? Is your account fully verified?


Sagen løst. Jeg ønskede ikke at åbne denne diskussion, men jeg har erfaring med andre kasinoer, der tog meget længere tid end det at betale mig, så lad os bare sige, at jeg er smart.

Tak igen Casino Guru og ja jeg anbefaler 4kasino!!!

Automatisk oversættelse:

Thank you for this update and the recommendation!

Noted - I won't ask you for other details. 🙂 I'll leave that up to you!

If you change your mind, we're here...

Делал ставки на спорт. Аккаунт поностью верифицировал. Когда начал выводить деньги, они закрыли мой аккаунт и забрали деньги. На вопрос "Почему?" прислали письмо, что я нарушил много пунктов, конкретизировать отказались.


Dear Vadym

We would like to inform you that your withdrawal has been cancelled by the payments department and the amount of 359.23€ has been removed from your balance due to the breach of the following Terms & Conditions:

3.1 (https://4kasino.com/templates/terms_and_conditions)


11.1. The following practices in relation to the Services:

a) abuse of bonuses or other promotions (as defined in paragraph 11.4)

b) using unfair external factors or influences (commonly known as cheating)

c) taking unfair advantage (as defined in paragraph 11.4);

d) opening any Duplicate Accounts; and/or

e) undertaking fraudulent practice or criminal activity (as defined in paragraph 11.4), constitute "Prohibited Practices" and are not permitted. We will take all reasonable steps to prevent and detect such practices and to identify the relevant players concerned if they do occur.


11.2. You agree that you shall not participate in or be connected with any form of Prohibited Practice in connection with your access to or use of the Services.


11.3. If:

a) We have reasonable grounds to believe that you have participated in or have been connected with any form of Prohibited Practice (and the basis of our belief shall include the use by us of any fraud, cheating and collusion detection practices which are used in the gambling and gaming industry at the relevant time); or

b) You have placed bets and/or played online games with any other online provider of gambling services and are suspected (as a result of such play) of any Prohibited Practice or otherwise improper activity; or

c) We become aware that you have "charged back" or denied any of the purchases or deposits that you made to your account; or

d) You become bankrupt or suffer analogous proceedings anywhere in the world,

then, (including in connection with any suspension and/or termination of your account) we shall have the right, in respect of your account to withhold the whole or part of the balance and/or recover from the account the amount of any deposits, pay-outs, bonuses or winnings which have been affected by or are in any way attributable to any of the event(s) outlined in this paragraph.


11.4. For the purposes of this paragraph 11:

a) A "fraudulent practice" means any fraudulent activity engaged in by you or by any person acting on your behalf or in collusion with you, and shall include, without limitation:

fraudulent charge-backs and rake-back activity;

the use by you or any other person who was participating in the same game as you at any time, of a stolen, cloned or otherwise unauthorized credit or debit card, as a source of funds;

the collusion by you with others in order to gain an unfair advantage (including through bonus schemes or similar incentives offered by us);

any attempt to register false or misleading account information;

any actual or attempted act by you which is reasonably deemed by us to be illegal in any applicable jurisdiction, made in bad faith, or intended to defraud us and/or circumvent any contractual or legal restrictions, regardless of whether such act or attempted act actually causes us any damage or harm;

b) An "unfair advantage" shall include, without limitation:

the exploitation of a fault, loophole or error in our or any third party's software used by you in connection with the Services (including in respect of any game);

the use of automated players ('bots'), or other 3rd party software or analysis systems; or

the exploitation by you, of an 'Error' as defined in paragraph 18, in any case either to your advantage and/or to the disadvantage of us or other.

c) Bonus Abuse includes, but is not limited to:

i. breach of terms and conditions of a bonus, free bets or any other promotional offer

ii. the opening of multiple accounts to claim multiple bonuses;

iii. all bonuses are subject to bonus use limitation based on the bonus engine, and, unless stated otherwise, they shouldn't be used more that 6 times per calendar month; if for any reason a bonus code is used by an individual player over the stated amount, the Company reserves the right to further investigate bonus abusing pattern and deduct bonus winnings plus all 3rd-party charges arising from player's activity (payment fees, providers fees, etc)

Where there is a reasonable suspicion that the Account Holder has committed or attempted to commit a bonus abuse, either on their own or as part of a group, company reserves the right to:....все писмо не помещается


Could you give us some hints about what we are looking at, please? Well, from my point of view, you may or may not be in trouble with the casino, but from what I see here, I can't say for sure.

Do you need help?

Then, you've come to the right place. Have you heard about the free-of-charge complaint feature we offer?

Submit one by clicking this green link.

I hope you manage to do so.🙏🙌


Tak, jeg har indgivet en klage.

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