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HjemForumCasinoer8888.bg Casino – generel debat

8888.bg Casino – generel debat

 af vervein
4.899 visninger 19 svar |
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til 8888.bg Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

It is Bulgarian casino, access from Bulgaria is not blocked,as i know no rival games there also 🙂


Hello, for how long do you play there? 🙂

Hej! Jeg har spillet siden kasinoet eksisterede, men det kan ikke hæve mig til en fortjeneste på engang 50 BGN, og min mand vandt 10.000 BGN derfra i den tredje uge. gambling eller jeg ved det ikke, jeg kan ikke forklare det

Automatisk oversættelse:

Good looking little casino. There are attractive bonuses but it is focused on scratch cards.

I am also worried about the small initial capital of BGN 1,500,000. This would prevent the payment of larger profits.

My registration is 3 weeks old and I have 15 successful deposits, but no withdrawals.


Hello, thank you for sharing with us. This is the reason why gambling is a game of luck, I suppose 🙂.

Good looking little casino. There are attractive bonuses but it is focused on scratch cards.

I am also worried about the small initial capital of BGN 1,500,000. This would prevent the payment of larger profits.

My registration is 3 weeks old and I have 15 successful deposits, but no withdrawals.

Scratch cards? Is it popular in Bulgaria? I love it and the Czech casinos have them as well, but generally speaking, you don't see it that often in foreign casinos.

Kasinoet går relativt hurtigt ind i øjeblikket, men det håndterer vanskelighederne relativt hurtigt, og jeg kan sige, at spillene kun er ret gode.

Automatisk oversættelse:

The casino is mainly created for Bulgarian players, right?


At the moment I am trying to see if 8888.bg will decide to give me a profit. But this has already become a mission impossible after the 30th deposit. My only withdrawal from 8888.bg was approved and I received the money in my card within 5 minutes.

But that doesn't mean I don't like these casinos. In principle, I am against casinos, but I play for fun and never with large sums.


Hello again!

So are you waiting for a winning streak or for another withdrawal to be approved, please? 🙂

I did not fully understand the part: "At the moment I am trying to see if 8888.bg will decide to give me a profit."

Anyway, it's a fresh casin, so we would like to know every detail. 😀


I am currently playing there and trying to generate at least 1 profit 😀 Or exactly 1 successful cash withdrawal.


Examination of documents up to 15 minutes.

Withdrawal approval within 24 hours - Usually within 10 minutes.

Payout of winnings from 1 to 3 working days - Usually within 10 minutes. By EasyPay are paid immediately.

Daily, weekly and monthly bonuses. Attractive bonuses for new players (100% up to 500BGN + up to 75FS)

Choosing from game providers is not great. Focus on iWin games.

The minimum amount for a deposit is BGN 10. The minimum withdrawal is BGN 40 (EasyPay 20BGN) Or the equivalent in another currency. There is no limit on deposit and withdrawal amounts.

This is generally the case for this casino.

I noticed that for some time now most Bulgarian-licensed casinos have been approving and paying out winnings almost instantly. 😀


That's what a call a list of useful information! 🙂

Thank you for that.

I especially appreciate the last sentence though.

So keep up posted and wish you tons of luck!

8888.bg betalte mig 15.000 BGN for en time.

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

Heya 🙂.

Cool info! Thank you for that!

I'm glad to see the withdrawal limits are truly unlimited 😀.

Even though I understand the necessity of a quick withdrawal, is there anything else you'd like to mention about this casino, perhaps?

It just comes to mind:

How many world-known games are available? The support quality and helpfulness are also handy information, do you agree?

I'll leave the rest to you. 😉

Snyd ydmygt, løgnagtige bastards!! Jeg registrerede mig, og de gav mig ikke en 88 BGN bonus, fordi administratoren havde besluttet at fratage mig nogen bonusser, ellers tillader de mig at indbetale deres mor, en whistleblower... Og min mand med deres krøllede bonus 88 BGN gjorde' ikke engang at få 5 cents, fordi han havde 20 BGN på sin saldo inden den sidste dag i udløbet af fristen for at indløse BGN 88 bonus, besluttede skurkene at fjerne den fra hans konto, da der stadig var en sidste dag tilbage til at indløse ... Lad dem nu komme og fange ham. Min mands fedt og jeg vil personligt putte 88 BGN i deres røv for den hårde fløjt, de vil give ham for at svine deres kunder sådan til...

Automatisk oversættelse:

Well, I'd say you are far too vulgar for an 88BGN bonus, so please work on your tongue a bit, or I will hide your offensive messages.

The problem I see here is that it seems like your mother and husband also play in the same casino, and if you all had far too many bonuses in the past, the casino simply decided not to give you anything else.

I also understand that it is a pretty common rule that you can't possess more than one active bonus at a time.

So, if anyone feels, for instance, that there is a much better offer, it would be good to consider canceling the currently active bonus. Preferably, under the counsel of customer support or the chat operator.

Frankly, there is a fair chance I didn't understand the context clearly, so please correct me if I'm wrong.


Sådanne ordninger er ikke kun på 8888.bg. Det er lige sket for dig på denne side, for andre på en anden. Hvem spiller du nu?

Automatisk oversættelse:

Undgå disse svindlere, dette er sandsynligvis et af casinoerne med de laveste spilleautomatodds.

Jeg lavede 3 indskud på BGN 5.000, og i ingen af spillene holdt det endda balance eller niveau.

For dem, der ikke ved det, opererer online casinoer gennem en Casino Engine, hvorigennem ejere kan justere casinoets odds, som de ønsker på ethvert givet tidspunkt. Nå, med disse er det sat til et minimum.

Rumen Chanderov har haft problemer med dette casino.

Automatisk oversættelse:

Hi, actually, the casino always has an edge over the player, who usually loses his deposits here, so for me it would also be suspicious but not unlikely. If I had lost a larger sum once, why I would play there again is my question. 

As for casinos being able to adjust odds at any time, are we talking about slots or some kind of sports betting ?

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