HjemForumCasinoerArt Casino – generel debat

Art Casino – generel debat

 af caiods20221
3.192 visninger 9 svar |
Hvis du vil diskutere noget i relation til Art Casino – det kan være spil, bonusser, betalingsmetoder, problemer med din konto, ansvarligt spil og alt muligt andet – kan du gøre det her.

Hej, er der nogen adresse, jeg kan gå til, hvis jeg føler mig snydt af dette casino? Tilsynsmyndighedens hjemmeside siger, at du ikke skal kontakte dem. Der er adresser/telefonnumre/organisationer på udbyderens hjemmeside, som du skal kontakte, hvis du har en tvist eller andet. Men jeg kan ikke finde nogen adresser på dette casinos hjemmeside. Er der nogen, der har en e-mailadresse, som jeg kan skrive til, hvis mine bestræbelser på dette casino ikke lykkes i visse spørgsmål? Eller er det tilrådeligt at kontakte regulatoren?

Redigeret af forfatter
Automatisk oversættelse:

I feel you should find the complaint feature quite suitable. As far as I can see two complaints were successfully resolved for you in the past, so if you need help again, go on and submit another one:


What do you say, sounds good to you?

Jeg tror ikke, du kan hjælpe mig, pointen er, at jeg allerede to gange har fortalt casinoet, at jeg ikke vil spille mere, og da jeg lukkede min konto, lokkede de mig med tilbud. Dette kasino udnytter folk og driver dem ind i ludomani. Dette casino er ligeglad med spillerbeskyttelse eller ansvar, det vil bare have penge. Derudover er slots i dette casino kontrolleret og bør overvåges mere grundigt. De gav kasinoet en meget god vurdering, så hvorfor skulle jeg indgive en klage her? Det hjælper ikke.

Automatisk oversættelse:

It's a fresh casino, so we inform:

"We've thoroughly reviewed Art Casino and marked it as a fresh online casino. It hasn't been operating for long enough, so it's too soon for us to give it the normal Safety Index rating we give to established casinos. "

May I know how exactly this specific casino drives people to gambling addiction? Spam promotions are sadly pretty common. I agree a vulnerable player is tempted, but honestly look on the TV these days... Would you instantly buy a car because the advert says it's your life chance?

Allow me another question, what makes you think the slots are controlled, please?

The way they work, it's technically impossible:


People intend to remember the losses, and it makes them believe they were unbelievably unlucky, so the slots are tempered.

I understand such frustrations, but believe me when I say the casinos are more likely to provide fake games rather than control genuine slots.

If you are strongly convinced something is wrong, submit a complaint. Complaining on the forum changes nothing.

Well, it's a pity when the casino limits you like that. Does it say somewhere in the terms and conditions that it can do so, or did you try to ask the support why it is so ? 

Other than that, is the casino suitable for you ? Have you had any other problems besides this ? 


Hi it was sorted out there was a glitch with the system everything's ok now I must say customer support was great and overall I have to say I would strongly recommend this casino now


So it's perfect that everything was finally resolved in a relatively quick period of time. You might want to leave your post on the forum next time, because then my reply loses a bit of context, since I'm actually replying to basically nothing with my first post. 

Anyway, I wish you many more wins and trouble-free situations in this casino. Good luck. ☘️


hi looking people like you to fight this casino



So it appears you for some reason, wish to find players dissatisfied with Art Casino. I would guess it is related to your current complaint:

https://casino.guru/art-casino-player-s-funds-have-been-confiscated 👈

If I may express my opinion, you should focus on the complaint just now. For example, I find this update to be rather confusing:

"I did not play with bonus money; I deposited 20 dollars and received 20 free spins."

How about you calm down and give the complaint some time to progress, and make sure your updates are accurate and understandable? When you say you want to fight a casino, I'd say you have very little idea what that actually means. But feel free to share your plan.

Also, as the name suggests, anonymized accounts won't ever respond back. Just so you know.

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