HjemForumCasinoerBeem Casino – generel debat

Beem Casino – generel debat (side 6)

 af franztheuerw
46.060 visninger 143 svar |
1...5 6 78

They've got some big issues with their casino. The cooperation was great at the beginning and they also had high rating on our website, but it's declining since the beginning of this year. They also had many complaints from players about pending withdrawals. My guess is that they're going to close the casino or it will remain a zombie casino (dead customer support, no promotions, no activity at all, slow or no withdrawals).


Thanks for the answer, have a good day

I just noticed that they have removed their seal of Curacao EGaming. This does imply that CEG has revoked their license probably as they were always showing the license on their website with the green check.

Probably just like Daniel mentions, casino is either having serious problems on finance which makes them unreliable to gamble. Or the casino has made enough profit to its owners and is closing down leaving all the players stuck.

For the players who paid with Credit/Debit card, it could be worth a shot for chargebacks if the casino is not paying out as it would be scam/service not received. Worth a try if you give up with them!


I just noticed that they have removed their seal of Curacao EGaming. This does imply that CEG has revoked their license probably as they were always showing the license on their website with the green check.

Probably just like Daniel mentions, casino is either having serious problems on finance which makes them unreliable to gamble. Or the casino has made enough profit to its owners and is closing down leaving all the players stuck.

For the players who paid with Credit/Debit card, it could be worth a shot for chargebacks if the casino is not paying out as it would be scam/service not received. Worth a try if you give up with them!

You may be right.

Just allow me to point out that once you made a chargeback, you may find that other casinos will not be happy to let you play. You may find it difficult to find a new casino.

Casinos do not like chargebacks in general.

You may be right.

Just allow me to point out that once you made a chargeback, you may find that other casinos will not be happy to let you play. You may find it difficult to find a new casino.

Casinos do not like chargebacks in general.

Hi Radka,

Thanks for explaining that but if the player does not get his/her money he won and the casino is unavailable for comments/help, as a player you have to do something to get your money back from them. A chargeback is quite an easy and cheap way to claim your funds back as Legal Action would be very expensive and probably not worth the time and energy.

What could be achieved with chargebacks is that if many players file them for not getting their payouts/wins, the merchant could get blacklisted by Mastercard/Visa which will harm the casino more and get investigations. That way it would be a bit harder for players to pay this casino if they want to gamble here.

And if other casinos do not want you to gamble their as they are 'informed' by Beemcasino, it would be their loss I believe as they probably are not trustworthy I think.

Somewhere I wish that Curacao based casinos where like Maltese as those are much better regulated and controlled in most cases.


Hi Yousst,

I think that those chargebacks should serve as the last resort. Other than that I agree with you mostly.

I would be the last person who wishes to encourage players to keep or start playing in bad and dishonest casinos. But taken from the other side, the player who made some chargebacks may seem untrustworthy to the casino. Honestly, I think casinos do not really care what makes you opt for the chargeback, their staff has hands full of KYCs and verifications, I guess.

We do not live in the perfect world. I also wish that the Curacao regulator takes a better example from its Maltese counterpart 🙂.

Jeg vil gerne spørge deltagerne i forummet. og hvis det er muligt, vil kasinoet selv svare mig, fordi jeg skriver til supporten, og jeg ikke får noget svar. Jeg har bedt dem i nogen tid om at bekræfte min profil og betale mig summen af 500 euro. Jeg bliver ved med at skrive til deres support, men uden svar. Min kontohistorik viser mærkelige transaktioner, som jeg tror, jeg ikke har foretaget nogen udbetalinger. Jeg bliver ved med at spørge dem, men ingen svarer mig. Bare for at fortælle mig, hvad der sker, hvad er disse transaktioner, hvis jeg har betalt vil eller ej, hvis min konto er verificeret.absolut forkert holdning til kunder.Jeg indbetalte via bankoverførsel, men på deres hjemmeside kan jeg ikke hæve mine penge, selv via bankoverførsel.Jeg vil gerne spørge forumdeltagere, om der er en anden sag som min ?? ?

Automatisk oversættelse:

maybe you losted password at account and somebody made strange transaction?

Jeg er ikke !!!!!Jeg havde lukket min konto i et stykke tid.hvorpå jeg loggede ind igen og lavede en indbetaling. Jeg gik ind i historien og så, at transaktioner blev foretaget samme dag.en fra 550 euro.og en fra 73 euro, når jeg spørger dem, hvad disse transaktioner er, er der ingen, der svarer mig noget for det beløb på 500 euro, som jeg vil hæve, heller ikke noget svar

Automatisk oversættelse:

selvom nogen har logget ind på min konto, hvordan kan beløbene være hævet, og når jeg beder om udbetaling kan mine gevinster ikke hæves????

Automatisk oversættelse:

file Her er et kig

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ikke nok med det, der er også en til 10 euro file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ikke nok med det, der er også en til 10 euro file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Those suspicious withdrawals, can you track which payment option was used? I would consult with your bank or with your e-wallet provider as well.

What do you think?

Anyway, it's good you've submitted the complaint. I hope we will be able to sort things out. I can imagine that it will take some time, however.


Jeg kan ikke bekræfte det på nogen måde, da disse beløb ikke engang blev betalt til mig. Jeg spørger kasinoet, de fortæller mig ikke noget. På siden kommer det bare frem, at intet transaktionsnummer intet ingenting. Hvordan disse beløb var betalt, da selv min profil ikke er verificeret. Da jeg bad om at hæve beløbet på 500 euro, fortalte de mig, at jeg skulle vente på, at profilen blev verificeret og derefter. Og for at være ærlig håber jeg ikke engang, at de betaler mig 500 euro. For mig er dette en komplet fidus. Jeg skal have sendt 100 anmodninger uden at få et svar

Automatisk oversættelse:

Given the fact that they lost their License (Curacao EGaming is no longer their Licensor) I think that the casino became shady as also the score on this site dropped due to unresolved complaints, no payouts and unreachable casino.

Hope you get your winnings.


Kun dette vises på siden, men hvor de blev betalt, hvem de blev betalt til, hvordan de blev betalt, nej, jeg kan ikke ærligt fortælle dig, hvad der foregår på denne side file

Automatisk oversættelse:

Ja, jeg håber ikke engang, de betaler mig noget

Automatisk oversættelse:

De ignorerede mig fuldstændig og svarede ikke på nogen af mine spørgsmål. Det er første gang, jeg støder på sådan en forkert holdning. Tilsyneladende håber de at skaffe så mange penge som muligt og lukke siden

Automatisk oversættelse:

Lige et spørgsmål mere. Kan du fortælle mig, hvordan de kan arbejde uden en licens? Det betyder, at de er svindlere, de arbejder ulovligt

Automatisk oversættelse:

Yep I also got tricked by some of those casinos.

But Curacao based casino are not always the safest and fair casino's. This casino had a license but that got revoked, probably because of all the issues players were encountering on the casino.

A casino could operate without a license or use a fake license, those are not fair and should be avoided at all costs as they might have fake slots and could not pay your winnings back. On Casino Guru a lot of casinos are available with reviews so I strongly recommend you to visit this before you register on a casino to avoid painful situations where you might win great but never get the money.

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